Español? (ST)

4K 42 48

WC: 758

Your ages in this imagine: 15-16

Type of imagine: funny

Requested: yes red_is_gay15


Today we had a Spanish test which was very easy to me since I'm multilingual and already fluent in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.

Halfway through the test, I heard the teacher yelling "El Sr. Hargreeves haciendo trampa no es aceptable en mi clase (Mr. Hargreeves cheating is not acceptable in my class)"

I look behind me and saw my boyfriend looking at me "sorry but I don't know this shit" he said making the class laugh "Sr. Hargreeves cuida tu idioma (Mr. Hargreeves watch your language)" she said.

"what the fuck are you saying" he said and the class burst into laughter "El Sr. Hargreaves va a la oficina de principios" she yelled "I'm guessing she wants me to go to the principles office" Stanley asked me and I nodded.

"with pleasure" he said picking his things up, before my boyfriend left the class he peaked my lips and said "love you beautiful".

After class ended I went to the principal's office and saw that Stanley was waiting outside, I walked up to him and asked what's going on "they called my dad" he said and at this moment Diego came outside.

"hey Y/n/n how are you" he said "I'm okay" I said and he looked at his son "car. Now." He said and Stanley didn't try to talk back.

"wait can Y/n come" he says and Diego looks at his son then at me and sighs "your lucky I love Y/n" he says and Stanley smiles locking our hands together.

The car ride home was a bit awkward since Diego didn't let us speak, when we reached their home we got in and we all sat on the couch.

"dad I-" "nope I don't wanna hear a word out of your mouth" his father said "Y/n please tell me what happened" he said and I did.

"How the fuck don't you know Spanish!?" his father said "both me and your mother are fluent at it and not to mention it's like the easiest language ever" he said "no it's not" Stanley protested "English is the easiest" he smirked.

"you litt-" before Diego could do anything I stopped him "okay, okay, I understand Spanish to a certain level" Stanley said "Cuántos años tienes? (how old are you)" his father asked.

"ooo green?" "did you hear that Y/n, green" Diego said and I tried my best not to giggle but failed.

"fine you guys teach me" Stanley said "oh we will teach you alright".

"okay do you know how to say your name?" I asked and he nodded "easy mi nombre es Stanley" "good job baby!" I said peaking his lips "now you ask us what's our name" his father said "Cómo...te..llamas" "right again" I said and he peaked my lips again.

"great now tell us something about yourself?" "ohhh I don't know I like cars" "in Spanish dumbass" "oooh okay.. I don't know" he said and I could see he was getting on his father's nerves.

"okay say Lamento haberme equivocado" Diego said "okay lemon herm avocado" he said and I burst out laughing. "did he say avocado?" Diego laughed and I nodded still laughing.

"what you said lemon something avocado" Stanley said making us laugh harder.

"okay okay say Me encanta jugar videojuegos (I love playing video games)" I said "okay me encanto something eggos" he said and we started laughing again.

"baby are you hungry or something" I ask "actually I am" he says "eres un puto tonto" his father says and I gasp "excuse me watch your language" I say and Diego laugh "I bet he doesn't know the numbers"

"no I know them uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, (1-6) sept, huit, neuf, dix (7-10 in French)" "wow now he knows French" Diego laughed "shut up, your such a bully" I told him.

"Stanley just up to your bedroom" he laughed "god you made me laugh more than I did my entire life" his father said wiping his tears away.

Stanley took my hand and lead me to his room where we changed into his clothes and cuddled in his bed "baby do you want me to help you learn Spanish?" I ask and he shrugged "if you want but I don't really care".

"Te Amo" I said kissing him "I love you more" he smiled nuzzling his head into my neck.




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Q: do you know Spanish?

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