Who's that? (JV)

4.6K 59 7

WC: 852

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Type of imagine: cute, jealous Javon

Requested: no


My boyfriend Javon Walton says that he does not get jealous but boy is he wrong.

Javon might not tell you he's jealous but his facial expressions and actions say it all. I love Javon with all my heart and today I wanna show people that my boyfriend does get jealous so that they can stop me or him.

People think because Javon said that 'he doesn't get jealous' it means that he doesn't love me so a lot of girls take advantage of that and flirt with him.

Even guys flirt with me but I don't tell him that.

Javon was going live soon and I asked my friends to blow up my phone with text messages and phone calls while I was next to my boyfriend.

"babe I'm going to start live soon are you coming" Javon said walking into the kitchen "mhmm I don't know, do you want me to be there?" I said resting my head on my hand. "of course I do, I love you" he said pecking my lips.

"Alright then I'll be there but not now just give me 5 minutes" I said going on my phone again, Javon left and I told my friend to start messaging me in 10 minutes.

I went upstairs to my boyfriend's room where he and Jaden were, Javon smiled and moved a little signaling me to set next to him which I gladly did.

"see guys here is my beautiful girlfriend Y/n!!" Javon yelled "Y/n!!!" Jaden cheered making me laugh.

-Javon's pov-

Y/n's phone buzzed and she looked at it and placed her phone back but not a minute later it buzzed again then two times after that.

She sighed and opened it quickly texting something and placing her phone back.

Her phone buzzed again and again and she would quickly look at her screen and roll her eyes before placing it back on the floor.

Y/n had her screen facing to the floor so I wasn't able to read who this mysterious sender was.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and she nodded.

Her phone started to ring and she got up and picked it up "yes what do you want?" was the only thing I heard before she left the room.

5 minutes later she came back with a smile on her face, she sat on my bed while I and Jaden were on the floor.

I was answering fans' questions when I heard Y/n giggle, I looked over and she was smiling at her phone.

She was texting someone I think.

Her phone dinged and her smile grew, she quickly texted back, and I looked at Jaden who just shrugged.

I got up and walked toward her, she saw me and placed her phone back in her pocket.

"hi" I smiled getting in bed "hey" she smiled back "who was that your texting" I asked placing my arms around her "no one" she said and I nodded.

Her phone dinged again "do you wanna get that?" I said and she shook her head, it dinged again and this time she got out her phone she got into messages and quickly sat on the side and hid her phone from my sight and giggled.

"what is it" I asked coming closer to her "nothing" she said "okay can I see" I said and she shook her head "can you please show me" "no" she giggled.

I hugged her and got over her snaking my arms behind her "Javon! No!" she laughed trying to wiggle herself out. I got her phone out and taped her pin in but it didn't work "when did you change your password?".

"I don't know" she said "okay open it please" I gave her the phone "nope" she took the phone and ran out of the room.

"Y/n!!" I heard her giggle as she ran downstairs.

I ran after her and found her in the living room hiding under the couch, I pulled her out by her leg and she squealed as I threw her on the couch.

I got onto her and pinned her hands up "who are you talking to" I said tickling her "no one" she laughed "liar who's texts where you laughing at" "m-my friends!".

"baby stop!!" she laughed harder "will you show me your phone" "y-yes" she laughed and I stopped.

Y/n wiped her tears away and got her phone out showing me the stupid text messages with her friends talking about my reaction.

"you were jealous" she giggled and I blushed "I was not" "yes you were" she smiled pulling me down.

I rested my head on her chest "Javon just admit it, you get jealous" she said and I sighed in defeat "fine I do get jealous sometimes" Y/n smiled proudly and kissed my temple.

"I love you" she squealed pinching my cheeks making me laugh "I love you too!!"




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Q: I know I'm not good at writing prank imagines but what do you want next?

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