jealous (ST)

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WC: 480

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Type of imagine: cute, jealous Stanly :)

Requested: no


Stanley and I walked around the mall holding hands "Thanks for coming with me babe!" I said smiling at him.

"Of course! I love shopping with you" He said pecking my lips.

We continued walking around popping in and out of shops when I heard someone call my name. It was a familiar voice but I couldn't make out who it was. When I turned around I saw my Rayan running up to me.

"Rayan!" I squealed as I let go of Stanley's hand to hug him "god how long has it been?! Two-Three years?!" He said smiling widely "Damn this long!!" I replied before noticing Stanley standing there awkwardly.

"Oh right, Rayan this is Stanley my boyfriend," I said standing next to him, Stanley locked our hands together "Hey Stanley" Rayan said putting his hand out "hey" Stanley said, rejecting the handshake.

Rayan awkwardly took his arm away but brushed it off by smiling and asking "so how are you y/n?" "I'm amazing thanks how are you?" as Rayan was about to reply, my boyfriend cut him off by saying "I'm sorry how do you two know each other?".

I couldn't help but smile because I could see the jealousy on Stanley's face "Actually, me and Rayan were best friends Throughout middle school!" I said looking at him.

"and well we dated for a year but that isn't important" Rayan said, not meaning any harm.

I noticed Stanley's face drop so I quickly ended the situation "Sorry Rayan, we actually have to be somewhere, we'll see you around!" I said grabbing Stanley's hand and lead him away.

"What?" Stanley asked as he watched Rayan walking in the other direction "Why did you say we had to be somewhere? We have all the time in the world" "I could clearly see you were getting jealous, so I pulled you out of it before it got any worse" I replied laughing.

"Jealous? Me? Nooo" Stanley said looking down "Oh really?" I said giggling, "baby it was written all over your face" "Okay maybe I was jealous..." he admitted.

"But how couldn't I be! The way you hugged him! And when I found out you guys had dated...that made me ughhh" "Why would you be jealous, you know I'm yours" I said and he kissed me softly but I pulled away and ran to tease him.

"Hey!" He said as he chased after me, when he caught me he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me off the ground as I giggled. He locked our lips and smiled.




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Q: favorite place to shop in?

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