Insecure (JV)

4.3K 41 51

WC: 732

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Type of imagine: sad, Insecure

Warning: talk about eating disorders!

Requested: no


I looked at my reflection in the mirror, staring at all of my imperfections. in my eyes I thought I was ugly, I didn't see what everyone else saw. I had a boyfriend, his name is Javon Walton. 

Yes, the famous Javon Wanna Walton. 

In his eyes he saw me as the prettiest girl in the world, he doesn't see what I see when I stand in the mirror my fingers running across my stretch marks, my stomach where I think I co-I NEED to lose weight.

tears slowly ran down my cheeks but I quickly wiped my tears off and dressed again. 

I made sure that Javon wouldn't see or notice I wasn't upset. 

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I saw my leftover food from the night before sitting on the countertop. I looked at it then quickly grabbed the small box and threw it away, I felt as if I shouldn't eat. 

I thought the only way to get skinny is to not eat. 

I grabbed my huge water bottle, went back upstairs to my room, closed all the lights, and turned on the tv watching grey's anatomy.

 A few hours later I heard the door open. I knew it was Javon because a few minutes ago he texted me informing me that he was almost at my house.

"hi baby!" he said cheerfully making me smile "hi baby! how was your day?" 

"It was good, how was yours?" he asked laying next to me "that's good, my day was fine" I said "what are you doing?" he asked laying his head on my stomach I looked down at him nervous but not showing it.

"Watching grey's anatomy" I replied getting even more insecure that my boyfriend was laying his head on my stomach "of course"

-Javon's pov-

I sensed something was off about my girlfriend, she would always talk a lot when I came home or would kiss and cuddle me but she wasn't right now.

"Babe are you okay?" I asked and she stopped playing with her phone "Yup? why would think that?" she asked "you just aren't talkative like you always are, and that usually means something is wrong.." I responded placing my hands on her stomach in a normal way.

Y/n immediately pulled my hands off and stood up "im gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." she said walking away but I grabbed her hand quickly and pulled her gently to me. I placed my hands on her face and a small tear ran down her face. 

"I baby, what's wrong?" I asked feeling my heart ache "it's fine" she sniffed not to let it out " tell me what's wrong?" I said kissing her knuckles.

"I'm not pretty" she finally says "I see all these pretty fans and girls who are skinny with no stretch marks and I hate it. I hate myself. I hate the way I look " she cried into my chest.

"What?! Y/n you are very pretty, you are the prettiest most gorgeous girl in this whole world. I love you and love your stretch marks, who cares how much you weigh. I love you just the way you are and nothing and I mean NOTHING is going to change that."

I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead "t-thank you I l-love you so m-uch" she said hugging me tightly. 

When I pulled away I lifted her chin and kissed her gently soft lips "you're beautiful" I whispered and she smiled "your handsome too" she said making me chuckle.

"Now can we go back to bed and cuddle for the rest of the day" I said and she nodded. I took her hand and lead her back to the bed, I got in and she came on top of me and rested her head on my chest.

I smiled playing with her hair while she slowly started to doze off to sleep.




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Q: what's your insecurity? 

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