Your mine (AT)

4K 52 10

WC: 521

Your ages in this imagine: 17

Type of imagine: cute, jealous Ashtray

Requested: no


"Ashtray!" I yelled as I walked into the apartment "Living room!" he yells back.

I walk into the living room and see that him watching Spongebob. I jump on top of him and hug him and he chuckled hugging me back.

Ashtray and I have been friends since forever, a few years ago I confessed my feelings towards him. he said that he didn't feel the same way and that if he did, he would just want to be friends because he doesn't want to ruin what I have. 

Ashtray snapped me out of my thoughts when he said, "So are you gonna come to Maddy's party tonight?" "Yes! Are you?" "Why do you think I asked you?" he said and I rolled my eyes.

-time skip-

I arrive at the party and start looking for Ashtray. I bump into some of my ot him friends and talk to them before I spot Ashtray. I start walking towards him when I saw a girl walk up to him and start talking to him. 

I roll my eyes and start walking elsew hime until I hear Maddy yelling my name."Y/N!" I walk over to her and hug and her.

"I have someone who's been dying to see you" she says "who?" she points behind me and I look over and see noah a guy from our school.

A cute guy.

I glance back at Ashtray and see him smiling and laughing with the girl so I walk over to noah and hug him and sais hi. After a few drinks, noah and I were dancing and being very touchy. 

I glance over and see a very angry Ashtray. he starts walking towards me but before he gets to us noah pulls me for kiss. 

2 seconds into the kiss Ashtray pulls me away and puches noah right in the face making him fall. He quickly grabbed my hand ant took me upsatrs.

He shoved me into a room and locks the door "What the fuck was that Ashtray?" I ask him angrily. "What do I mean the fuck am I doing? The FUCK are I doing?! I don't want ANYONE near you, Y/n".

"Why?!" I asked and he got really close to my face "beacuse you're mine" he pushes me against the wall and attaches him lips to mine kissing me hungry.

I quickly kisses him back warping my arms around his nack while he placed his on my waist pulsing me closer to him.

When we pulled away I said "I thought I didn't like me?" he looked at me and smiled "Feelings change"

I was happy by his reply "wait so what are we now?" I asked "will you be my girlfrined"

I felt my heart explode with happiness "of course!!" I hugged him and he chuckled hugging me back.

He peppered kisses all over my neck making me smile.




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Q: do you have any idea's for imagines you want me write?

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