Abuse pt.3 (JV)

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WC: 612

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requested: yes

Warning: Abuse, yelling, shouting, crying


"how did you get these bruises" my mom and dad asked "umm you know how my dad lost his job and he couldn't find a new one so he.."

"started drinking" "yea"

"he promised to look for a job" she said "but did he try?" they asked "yes" "is he still trying?" Jaden asked Y/n didn't answer.

"Okay...the bruises" my dad said "he promised that he'll stop" Y/n quickly said "so he does hit you" Jayla said went silent again.

I noticed Y/n's hand shake so I locked her hands with mine "how long has this been going for" my mom asked "not long.." "how long" I asked and she mumbled "what?" "3 months" she said we were surprised.

"Y/n that's too long" my mom said "we have to tell the cops" they said and Y/n got up in fear "no no you can't he promised he'll stop, I know he'll stop" she said tearing up.

"Y/n he's not going to stop, he needs help" my father said and she shook her head, I got up and hugged her.

Someone banged on the door scaring the shit out of us "Y/n you better come out now" Mr. Y/l/n yelled and Y/n looked at us in fear.

"I told you guys! He's going to kill me now" she cried "Y/n I heard your voice come out you little shit!" "kids you take Y/n up, jess you call the cops I'll deal with y/d/n" my dad said and I took Y/n to my room and comforted her.

The cops came and took her drunk father away and also took Y/n after my father told them that she was abused by him.

My mom went with Y/n as they did her checkup and the child protective services came, since Y/n didn't have any other family they wanted to place her in an orphanage but my parents couldn't let that happen and told them that they'll keep Y/n while her father went to rehab.

When she walked back into our house I immediately pulled her into a hug, she hugged me back and asked if I was okay "Yea I'm just glad your safe now" I said.

We had dinner I sat next to Y/n and I couldn't stop admiring how beautiful she looks, suddenly I felt something hitting my face, I looked down and saw a green pea "stop staring at Y/n and eat your food" Jayla giggled.

"shut up" I said throwing the green pea back and it hit daelo "Hey!" Daelo threw mashed potatoes at me but I dodged and it hit Y/n.

Y/n was shocked by what happened "Y/n I am so sorry" Daelo said "it's okay, it's okay" Jaden was laughing his ass off, Y/n took the broccoli from her fork and threw it at him.

The food fight didn't last long but after we finished dinner we had a huge pillow fight and it was so fun!

It was starting to get late so we showered and went to bed, Y/n slept with me in my bed and it wasn't awkward since she always sleeps with me or Jaden when we have a sleepover.

"You know I'm really glad your here" I whispered turning to face her "me too and now you can't get rid of me" she whispered back "I'm fine with that" I said getting closer to her.

I moved the strand of hair behind her ear "Y/n-" she cut me off by leaning in placing her lips on mine, I was shocked a little but kissed her back.

She pulled away and we both smiled "I'm so happy" "me too"




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