Black phone (JV)

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Wanna❤️🥊~ baby

Me ~ yes

Wanna❤️🥊~ are you going to the black phone movie premiere?

Me ~ of course I am!

Wanna❤️🥊~ please be my plus one

Me ~ wanna I'm your girlfriend of course I'll be your plus one

Wanna❤️🥊~ awesome what are you going to wear?

Wanna❤️🥊~ so we can match

Me ~ 

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Me ~ what do you think?

Wanna❤️🥊~ Y/n that's so pretty

Me ~ really thank you

Wanna❤️🥊~ I can't wait to see you there

Me ~ me too

Me ~ okay I got to go my moms calling me

Wanna❤️🥊~ bye love you

Me ~ love you


I smiled and placed my phone down and turned to my stylist "okay he loves it" I said and she smiled "of course he does, I'm your stylist".

-time skip-

Today is the day of the premier and I got ready, I wore my dress, did my hair and makeup. The car came around and I got in.

I text my boyfriend and he said that he was close, he also said that the place is huge and to be ready.

When I arrived people yelled my name and asked for a photograph which I gave but soon I was pulled away and to an interview.

As I was talking I felt a hand on my waist and a kiss on my cheek, I turned around and saw my boyfriend "hey" I smiled and he pecked my lips "hi"

"you guys are the cutest couple here and I've heard that Mason Thames and Miguel Mora are excited to see you" she said "wait really I didn't know that they wanted to meet me" I said surprised.

"who doesn't love Y/n Y/l/n you're one of the most talented people here" she said "aww thank you" we talked for a couple more minutes then left.

Javon and I took a couple more pictures then went inside, I talked to the producers and I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Mason Thames "h-hi I'm a huge fan of your work can I please take a picture with you" "of course" 

We took a couple of pictures and he took me to the other cast and they were so sweet we took more pictures and we wanted to make a funny one where I would kiss Miguel Mora on the cheek while the other cast would act surprised.

"Okay we got it!" they said and I showed Javon the picture "yea its great" he said looking at his phone, he looked annoyed.

"babe?" said and he hummed "baby what's wrong" I said holding his hand but he let it go and kept scrolling his phone "Javon are you mad at me" I asked worried and he didn't reply.

I got up to walk away but he held my hand and asked where I'm going "I'll go sit with the cast since you're mad at me for some reason" I said and he pulled me back making me sit on his lap.

"Stay" he said pecking my lips "tell me what's wrong" I said creasing his cheeks "I don't know I just got..." he mumbled the last part "what?" "I got jealous"

"Why were you jealous?" I asked "because you kissed Miguel Mora" he said "on the cheek" I giggled "still!!" "baby you have nothing to worry about" I said "you are my boyfriend and I only love you"

I kissed him passionately and he smiled "I love you too"




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Q: Did you see the movie black phone??

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