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-Future husband❤️-

Me ~ babe

Future husband❤️~ yes

Me ~ you busy?

Future husband❤️~ I'll make time, what up beautiful?

Me ~ I'll be quick

Me ~ so I was in the mall shopping because why not and I see this group of guys were following me

Future husband❤️~ wow are you okay?

Future husband❤️~ did they do something??

Me ~ no but I'm scared because one of them is giving me really uncomfortable looks. I want to go home right now but my mom isn't free to come get me.

Future husband❤️~ I'm coming on my way

Me ~ Thank you <3


-Ashtray's pov-

I was in an important meeting when I got a message from my girlfriend Y/n.

When she told me that she felt unsafe I wasted no time and left, I drove really fast not giving a fuck about the law.

When I got in the mall rushed to the bathroom and told Y/n to get out and she did.

When she saw me she hugged me "hey baby you okay?" I asked and she nodded "I was really scared ash" "do you know how they look?" I asked and she nodded.

When we started walking Y/n squeezed my hand and I looked at her "on your left" she said and I turned over to see the group of perverts.

They noticed me staring and walked away, a pulled Y/n closer to me and placed my arm around her "don't worry about these assholes" I said kissing her head.

I took her back to my place "I'll go take a nap" she said and I nodded "wait babe can I wear your hoodie" she asked "of course and here is my card in case you wanted to buy or ordered anything" I said handing her my credit card.

"no I just want to nap" she said "wanna take it with me" "sorry sweetheart maybe later, you go take your beauty sleep and when I'm done I'll come cuddle with you" I said and she nodded.

Before Y/n could go I pulled her in for a kiss, Y/n smiled and I pulled away "bye beautiful" she got flustered which made me feel so good.

I love her so much

This is why I asked my friends to find these perverts and beat them up.




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Q: You ask me if you want :)

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