Vandalize surprise (ST)

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WC: 346

Your ages in this imagine: 14-15

Requested: no


My boyfriend and I decided to break into the sparrow academy and vandalize the place since they were rude and even kidnaped his uncle Luther but don't worry they brought him back.

Since Stanley is an amazing prankster he got us into the academy without being noticed.

Stanley and I messed the place up with toilet paper, silly string, and confetti.

We were about done when we heard people coming in, Stanley garbed my arms and hid me downstairs in the basement.

"baby where are we going" I whisper yelled "shh I'm taking us to the basement where they'll least suspect us hiding there" he said.

As we moved more into the dark basement we were met by a huge ball of light "babe are you seeing this" he said and I was taken back by its beauty.

I was about to touch it when he stopped me "don't touch this thing it gives me a bad feeling" he said "but baby it's so pretty" I said "no! don't touch it, come let's go tell my family" he said picking me up.

We left the academy and went to the hotel where we saw his uncles talking about something important "Stanley where did you two go" his father asked "to the sparrow academy" I answered.

"what! Why did you go and why did you take Y/n with you" "do you know how dangerous and reckless that was" "I know I know but we found something weird which I think you would like to know" he said getting all of their attention.

"There is this ball of light in their basement and it looked powerful and it was really attractive, Y/n was going to touch it but I didn't let her. SomethingThedn't feel right so I didn't let her"

"The kugelblitz" his uncle five said "the what?" we all asked and he finally explained what the kugelblitz is.....




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AN: Sorry I don't know how to continue this so I'll leave it to your imagination

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