Is the secret out? (ST)

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WC: 708

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Type of imagine: cute

Requested: yes red_is_gay15


My boyfriend and I have been in a secret relationship for 2 months now and sometimes it was easy to hide it and others not.

Stanley and I met 4 years ago when we were 13, and became befriends real quick and as we grew our feeling grew with us.

Finally after a while Stanley finally had the balls to ask me out which I of course said yes to.

We decided to keep our relationship a secret since we knew that if we told his family they would make it a huge deal.

Now let's go back to the present

I had just gotten a text from Stanley telling me that the coast is clear, meaning his family are all out.

I happily garbed my phone and bag and walked to his house which wasn't far away from mine. In 10 minutes I arrived and rang the doorbell.

Immediately the door open raveling my adorable boyfriend, without a word he garbed my face and kissed me passionately. I pulled away and smiled "hello to you too".

Stanley garbed my hand and lead me to the leaving room where he organized a little movie night for us. He had all our favorite snacks on the table and the tv ready with all our favorite movies.

"aww thank you baby" I smiled pecking his lips "of course!" he smiled proudly.

We went up to his room and he offered me his hoodie and sweatpants which I didn't refuse at all and went backstairs.

We got on the big comfy couch and he pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me "baby are you sure they're not coming soon" I asked worriedly.

"don't worry angel they're staying at a luxurious hotel that contains a pool, hot tun and alcohol and you know how much my uncles love their liquor" he said "so don't worry they're not coming anytime soon" he kissed my head and played the movie.

Halfway through the movie I felt my eyes get heavy and Stanley noticed "it's okay you can sleep" he whispered and I smiled burying my face more into him.

Just as I was about to fall asleep we heard the front door open causing us both to get up.

"Klaus this is all your fucking fault!!" we heard five scolding his brother "shut up five you also got drunk" Luther said and I looked at my boyfriend in horror.

"The kitchen..go to the kitchen," he said pulling me there.

We got into the kitchen and he hid me under the counter and told me everything is going to be fine.

Diego called for his son and Stanley quickly pecked my lips before leaving "yes!!" he yelled back "dude why are you in the kitchen" he asked "Ummm I wanted water" he said taking a bottle out of the fridge.

"okayyy" Diego said unsure "hey who was watching the note Mr. and Mrs. Smith on tv" his aunt Allison asked and my eyes widened.

We forgot about that.

"and why is the place full of food" his uncle victor said


"that's me!!" Stanley yelled and I heard his family enter the kitchen "since when do you like romance movies" they asked "ahh since forever" my boyfriend lied.

"no no no you never liked romance" his mother said "yes I do, mom I've grown and changed" he said "okay but that still does not explain all the foo-" "I ate that".

"you ate ALL that" his uncle five said in his investigator voice "mhmm, I was really hungry" he said "but I thought you were full after I made you not too long ago" Sloane said.

"yeah I got hungry again" he chuckled nervously.


"Something smells fishy in here" Diego said "yeaaa I agree" Luther said and I prayed to god that some miracle would happen.

After 5 minutes of talking my boyfriend finally convinced his family that nothing was going on and as he was winning that argument I felt a sneeze come up.

No. no. no.




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Q: what's your favorite snack to eat while watching a movie?

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