Flinch (AT)

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WC: 601

Your ages in this imagine: 17

Requested: Yes @AliaSmith767


My boyfriend Ashtray is known to be a very scary guy even though he is just 17.

Ashtray is a huge drug dealer and is so scary that the police in our town know he's a dealer but are too scared to do anything to him.

You might ask how a girl like me is dating a guy like him, I'm Y/n Jacob by the way.

Yes, my father is Cal Jacob and my brother is Nate Jacob.

My life was hell because of my father, he expected way too much from me and my brother.

School and social life were fine and when I thought my life was getting better my father forced me to go on a date with one of his rich friend's sons who looked like a total pervert.

Dinner was fine and when he walked me back home he was getting really touchy and I told him to stop but he didn't, he pushed me into a dark ally and was trying to take advantage of me when astray came and punched him off me.

Since that day we became really close and dated not long after

Okay let's get back to the present, I was scrolling through TikTok when I saw this video of a girl pranking her boyfriend by flinching and I had to try it out.

I was making the viral cake from TikTok when Ashtray came in "hey ma" he came to hug me from behind and I flinched a little, Ashtray immediately removed his arms and looked at me confusion "you okay ma?" he asked and I nodded.

"you flinched" he said and I shook my head "I'm fine" I said and he hugged me again so I flinched AGAIN

"Y/n what's wrong" he said worried "yea I'm fi-" "don't say you're fine! Your totally not because your filching when I try to touch you" he said and I stayed quiet "a-are you afraid of me" he whispered.

His eyes filled with worry and sadness "ma I would never hurt you" he said 'I know" "okay can I hug you now" he said and I nodded.

Ashtray slowly hugged "is this fine" he asked and I laughed "yes it's fine" I said hugging him "baby it's a prank I'm not afraid of you" I said and he looked around from my phone "really Y/n you cant post that" he said taking my phone.

"what why" "because people would see it" "so..." "you know why" he said and I got it "oooh you don't want the world to you know you're a softie" I said and he groaned "I'm only a softie for you" he said.

"Aww you have a soft spot for me" I said and he blushed away "your adorable" I said pecking his lips "you're adorable" he said "I'll post it" I said and he took my phone away and delted the video "ASHTRAY!"

He picked me up and took me to his room and threw me on the bed "what are you doing" I giggled and he took off his shoes and got on top of me resting his head on my chest.

"If only people could see this" I said and he looked up at me "no one is allowed to see this side of me except for my brother and wife" "wife?" I said and he smiled "you, your my wife" he said and I felt my stomach fill with butterflies.




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AN: Wait a minute if you become Ashtray's wife, what is going to be your last name Mrs....

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