Clingy pt.2 (JV)

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WC: 553

Your ages in this imagine: 16

Requesting: Yes by everyone <3


My chain of thoughts was broken when I felt a hand on my should "hey y/n you okay" I heard DJ Javon's father ask.

"Yea I'm great," I said and he didn't look convinced "you sure," he asked and I nodded drying my hands "oh who cleaned the dishes" Mrs. Walton asked "oh Y/n did" her husband said and she smiled "oh thanks dear you didn't have too" she said and I smiled "its the last thing I could do".

When Javon's friends left and looked for me and found me playing with his baby brother "hey baby I'm going to bed are you coming" he asked and I nodded.

I got to his room and changed into an old hoodie and shorts I forgot about and got in bed.

minutes later Javon came out and got in "no good night kiss" he asked "oh sorry I forgot" I said pecking his lips. I lay down on the opposite side of his twin bed with my back facing him.

"you don't want to cuddle," he asked remembering the words shook my head and he didn't say anything "goodnight" I mumbled "night".

tried to sleep but couldn't thoughts kept running through me "what else does he hate about me?' i asked myself.

maybe he hates being around me or should I say me being around him.

what else

The whole night I kept thinking about the smallest things I did and I felt bad for him.

I was all the things y/ex/n said were true.

The next morning I woke up helping jess with breakfast but not staying to eat it.

"Y/n dear are you sure you cant stay" Mrs. Walton asked "yea sorry but have a good day" I told her.

"Y/n wait will you come over again so we can play with my cars" Daelo asked and I shook my head "what why" Jayla asked shocked.

"I have so much homework to do" I told her "you can borrow mine or Jaden" Javon said "yea sure I need to go"

I left the house and went straight to mine "hey honey how is the party" my mom asked "it was fun" I gave her a fake smile. I went to my room locked the door flopping on the bed crying my eyes out.

-time skip-

I looked at myself in the mirror spotting all my flaws. damn why do I look like that, no wonder Javon hates me.

I looked at my body and hated what I saw I hated everything.

-Javon's pov-

today my family and I were going balling and I decided to call my beautiful girlfriend with us, I called her but she didn't answer. weird.

I called her again and she declined then she texted me.


-My everything 💫💍-

Me~ hey

My everything 💫💍~ hey what's wrong

Me~ why aren't you answering me

My everything 💫💍~ oh sorry I'm like really busy rn

Me~ oh it's okay

My everything 💫💍~ did you want anything

Me~ yea I just wanted to tell you that me and the fam are going out for a bolling night and I was wondering if you wanted to come

My everything 💫💍~ sorry I can't


"Is she coming?" Jaden asked and I shook my head "why" daelo asked "I don't know she says she's busy" I told them.




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Q: Want a part 3?

AN: Guys I started a Javon X Y/n story!! go check it out and tell me what you think <333

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