Sleeping on the couch (AT)

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WC: 402

Your ages in this imagine: 18-19

Requested: no


"I DON'T CARE, YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH" I yelled at my boyfriend throwing a pillow at the couch. 

We had been fighting all night over something I don't even remember, I glared at him and went to our room slammed the door, and broke down in tears. 

In the 2 years we've been together we never fought like this, small arguments sure but nothing like this. 

Now It was 2 am and I couldn't sleep, I missed Ashtray's presence by my side, I lay in our bed for a few minutes before going downstairs. 

When I got downstairs Ashtray was awake on the couch holding a pillow the way he'd hold me. 

I stood there and watched him for a second before moving the pillow and laying down on top of him. I laid my head on his chest he smiled wrapping his arms around me. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered "I know, me too" he whispered back "can you forgive me?" I asked looking up at his beautiful brown eyes "always" he replied kissing my forehead. 

"Can we go sleep in our bed now?" he asked pouting "I dunno, I might still have you sleep here" I giggled a little and he glared at me. 

I went to get up but he pulled me back down and held me tight, "if I'm sleeping here you're sleeping down here too" he said and I frowned. "Can I at least grab us a blanket?" I asked and he thought for a second. "Yes, but come right back"

I got off him and ran upstairs to our room, I grabbed the blanket from our bed and went back downstairs. I walked into the living room and laid back down on top of Ashtray, covering us up with the blanket. 

"You came back" he hummed hugging me "Of course I did, Did you think I wasn't coming back?" I asked. "I thought you would've ran to get a blanket and not come back, just sleep in our bed without me" he said. 

"I would never" I said and he smiled "I love you and let's not fight anymore" he said. "I love you too and I agree, I don't want to fight"




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Q: What's that worst argument you had?

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