Cold (AT)

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WC: 944

Your ages in this imagine: 16-17

Requesting: @iheartJavon_00


Lately, Ashtray has been acting really cold and I don't know why I tried to talk to him several times and even show him some love and affection but each time he would push me away.

Weeks had passed and I've had it, I went to his place and we talked to him. That talk turned into an argument a huge argument.

We kept yelling back and forth "sorry I'm too busy for your clingy ass" I was taken back by his words.

Ashtray knew about my past relationship and how he used to call me mean things and that the word 'clingy' has a huge impact on me.

I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I was scared that he would turn out like ex/n.

"you know what, I don't deserve this shit, I've been doing my best to keep this relationship going and it doesn't look like you care at all. I can't keep doing this, I'm done, I'm tired" I said and he looked at me "what are you saying".

"were done Ashtray, I'm breaking up with you"

That was the last thing I said before storming out, I walked back to my house and went into my sister's room.

"Y/n get out of my room" she said not even looking at me, I sniffed and she quickly got up and looked at me.

"Y/n/n what happened" she said, when she pulled me into her arms I broke down and told her everything.

"he's such a fucking loser who doesn't deserve your tears" she said "Y/n look at you, you're a fucking goddess who could get any guy she wants" "I don't want anyone I want him, I love him" I cried.

-Ashtrays pov-

I couldn't believe what just happened

Y/n just broke up with me

It took me a while for me to realize what happened, I quickly garbed my phone and called her but she blocked me, I tried to text her but she blocked on everything.

I texted Maddy her older sister but she sent me a huge text saying how I'm dick and don't deserve her sister, how I broke her heart, and to NEVER talk to her again.

After the weekend Y/n hadn't been coming to school and whenever I tried to talk to her friends they would ignore me and say to leave Y/n alone.

I started to get really worried and miss her so much, I didn't really know how much I wanted and needed her until now.

I told my friends and they blamed me for everything, they said that they noticed how I badly treated her and even tried to talk to me about it but I wouldn't see it.

The week ended and I still haven't seen Y/n, I couldn't help it anymore. I miss her

The rest of the day I kept thinking of ways to get Y/n back.

-Y/n's pov-

I was sitting in my room watching 'purple heart' on my laptop and it was so good.

I haven't left my house in a week and Maddy says that each day goes by my love would fade away but that never happened.

I was tearing up but a knock at my window brought me back to reality, I quickly got up and moved my window curtains away only to see Ashtray on the other side.

I knew it was freezing outside so I quickly opened the window "what are you doing here and at that time" I said confused "Y/n please I need to talk to you" he said and stayed quiet.

I shouldn't say yes but I missed him so much that I did.

"Y/n I am so sorry I never wanted to hurt you" he said "but you did" I said "I know I did but it wasn't intentional, I swear I was under pressure and I got so caught up in the business and that I had no idea I was acting like a dick"

"Y/n please forgive me these last couple of days without you were hell, I missed you so much and everyone made me feel like a horrible person which I know I am and I brought you your favorite food" he said taking out my favorite food from his bag.

"I even brought you a stuffed animal and chocolate's" he said quickly taking this stuff out of his bag.

Ashtray kept stuttering and apologizing again and again, I couldn't help it and hugged him tightly.

"I forgive you" I said tears running down my cheeks.

When we pulled away I kissed him passionately, Ashtray pulled me closer to him and cupped my cheek.

"I love you" he said pulling away "I love you more" I said and he kissed me again. When we pulled away I looked at all the stuff and smiled "these are all my favorite things" I said and he nodded.

I took the food out and started to eat "mhmm this is so good" I said and he chuckled, I gave Ashtray a bite.

We shared the food and when we were done, he was going to go but I stopped him and told him to stay. He smiled and got in bed with me.

We cuddled the whole night and I woke up to my sister Maddy looking at us.

She of course gave us a huge lecture on how stupid and annoying we are but before she left she threatened to kill him if he hurt me again.




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