Ch 3 | Companion

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Y/N's POV:

You silently stare down at the ramen bowl Kai's forcing you to eat, but just the thought of food makes you want to vomit. He's currently sitting across from you at your kitchen table with his elbows resting on top of the wood, his fingers laced together over his mouth as he angrily eyes you up and down.

"Eat," he says sternly, and you let out a long sigh before picking up your chopsticks. Your stomach is in knots but you can't deny Kai's an incredibly good cook. You're usually able to keep most of his food down, even with an upset stomach. He watches you take a few bites before starting on his own meal.

The table vibrates as he gets a third call from Jimin, but he ignores it again.

"Kai, it's not Jimin's fault," you pout.

"I know it's not. But I don't want to talk to him right now, I want to talk to you. Plus, you know I won't be able to keep my mouth shut when I'm this angry."

He's right. If Kai answers that phone right now he's going to scream at Jimin. Well, not scream at him, but scream to him. He would never scream at his boyfriend. And you really don't want Jimin to know anything. He's become a really close friend of yours and the last thing you want is to mess up things between him and his bandmates. You know Jimin would be absolutely furious at Yoongi, and he's actually the second scariest member when mad, right under Jhope.

"I feel bad for him though," you sigh, pushing around the mushrooms in your bowl. "You always say goodbye to him before leaving. He probably thinks you're mad."

"Alright, I'll text him," he says through a clenched jaw, picking up his cellphone as it goes off for the fourth time. "But I'm blaming it on you. I'm telling him you have the shits."

"Fine," you snort before forcing down another bite.

Kai quickly sends his text and the calls finally stop, but you see a very long message from Jimin show up on the screen after a few minutes. He lets out a long sigh, frustratedly running his hand through his blonde hair.

"We were supposed to tell everyone tonight."

A brow raises and you eye him up and down. "Tell everyone what?"

"That we're dating."

All the air leaves your lungs as Kai awkwardly avoids your eyes.

"Kai what the fuck!" you shout, standing to your feet. "No wonder he's angry at you for disappearing like that! You're supposed to be at that dinner with him!"

Kai ended up taking you home after your meltdown, forcing you to take a shower while he made you some food. You told him to leave and go to the dinner but he refused, saying he wouldn't be leaving your side tonight. You were already feeling awful for making him miss it but now you really feel like shit.

No one knows about Jimin and Kai, not even the other members. Jimin doesn't really tell people about his love interests unless things get serious, which they clearly are. Tears brim in your eyes at the thought of how disappointed he must be right now.

"Quit yelling," he groans, covering his ears as he continues looking off to the side. "It's not that big of a deal. We can tell them another time."

"Kai you know this is a big deal to him."

"And you're a big deal to me," he barks, angrily meeting your eyes again. You immediately deflate, knowing you're not winning this battle. Kai's brother passed away in a car accident right around the time you met him, and you were the one who helped him through it. Although it wasn't the healthiest approach, you became like a sister to him, temporarily filling the void his brother left.

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