Ch 19 | Both

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Y/N's POV:

"Good morning beautiful," Yoongi grins, his gummy smile so dazzling it's almost blinding first thing in the morning. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good," you smile softly, trying to calm your heart rate before he hears it. "Where are we going for brunch?"

He holds up a few bags in the air with a cheeky smile. "Chef Min is here to make you some traditional Canadian breakfast."

Your eyes light up in excitement as Yoongi steps into your apartment with a few grocery bags. You'd mentioned you've been a little homesick lately so he told you he wanted to take you to brunch today to lift your spirits, but instead he's going to cook a meal that tastes like home.

He tells you to sit down and relax but you don't want to so you hang around like a gnat buzzing around to watch. He makes you everything you've been craving: pancakes, Canadian bacon, eggs, and maple syrup drizzled on every inch. All while stealing little kisses and making your heart flutter.

"Oh my god," you groan, taking that first bite of fluffy pancake. "This is heaven. This is the best day ever. I can die happy now."

"Absolutely not," he chuckles, taking a bite of bacon. "You're not allowed to die anytime soon."

"Why not?" you ask playfully, wiggling your eyebrows.

"Because I need more time to make you even happier," he says with a straight face, his eyes piercing into yours. "So no dying on my watch."

You feel your cheeks heat up and he gives you one of those cocky smiles, leaning back in his chair. His arms cross over his chest, making his muscles look even bigger since he's been working out lately. He chuckles and shakes his head before saying, "You can lie all you want and say you don't like me but your body's always honest."

"N-no it isn't," you say shakily, breaking eye contact as you shove more pancake in your mouth.

"So you admit you're not being honest?" he asks teasingly, pressing his tongue to his cheek.

Fuck, he looks so sexy when he does that.

"I mean..." you mumble, scrambling to get out of this one. "D-don't be so obsessed with me and notice everything." It's clear as day you're just joking but Yoongi decides to punish you and leans over the table, licking some pancake off your chin before slowly dragging his tongue over your bottom lip.

You're completely paralyzed as he pulls away with a satisfied smirk, flopping himself back in his seat before saying, "I can't help it. Stop tasting so good and then maybe I won't be so obsessed with y-"

His breath hitches as you chuck a small piece of sausage at his face, the grease smearing over his cheek and nose before flopping into his lap. You stand up out of your seat and grab his face, dragging your tongue over his skin to clean up the mess.

This time it's his cheeks that are flushed as he stares up at you in awe. You smirk at him and say, "Don't think you're the only one with game, Mr. G."

"Oh you're dead meat now," he grins, and you start sprinting the other way as he chases after you, the two of you laughing as he easily captures you into his arms and attacking your cheek and neck with hundreds of sweet kisses. Your heart softens with each peck, your chest full of warmth and giddiness as his arms tighten around your waist from behind.

"You don't have to say it out loud, I can wait for you," he says softly, nuzzling his mouth against your neck. There's goosebumps all over your body and your heart's beating so fast he can definitely hear it. "I like you, [Y/N]. I'm not going anywhere. Make me wait one day or one year, I'll be here waiting for you."

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