Ch 6 | Burden

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Y/N's POV:

The sound of calm flowing water begins to awaken your senses, pulling you out from your sleep. Your eyes slowly open and you lay there, blinking a few times until your vision starts to clear.

"What the hell?" you mumble, looking at the giant beefcake laying next to you. Your mind finally starts to awaken as you take in the unfamiliar sheets and blanket, the beige walls covered in different plants and floating bookshelves confusing you even further.

And then it dawns on you. This isn't your room.

Your body springs up, letting out a gasp when you realize Kim Namjoon is sleeping in bed shirtless next to you. He groans, probably being woken up by your sudden movement. His massive arms stretch over his head and you can't seem to tear your eyes away from his big giant namtiddies.

"Good morning to you too," he chuckles, that deep morning voice nearly making you foam at the mouth. He turns over on his side to look at you, not seeming panicked at all that you're in his bed right now.

Glancing down at your body you see that you're still fully clothed in your outfit from yesterday, your hand slapping over your chest to exhale in relief.

"Did you think we slept together?" he grins, making your eyes squint as that dimple nearly blinds you.

"Well I don't remember falling asleep so I wasn't sure. But I don't think we did."

"You are correct," he says, pushing himself off the mattress to sit up with you. Your eyes shamelessly travel all over his body and your cheeks heat up when he notices your gawking.

Your memory from last night is starting to come back. Namjoon brought you up to his apartment to listen to your story while having a few beers and once you were done you completely passed out. You're pretty surprised you were able to sleep through the night though. Maybe you should start drinking beer more often.

"A-anyways, thanks for listening last night," you stutter, looking away and changing the subject. "You can just tell me if you don't believe m-"

"I believe you," he says sternly, making your eyes meet his again. "Hyung has been in a really bad mood the last two months and now it makes a little more sense."

You nervously grip his comforter in your hands, feeling both relieved and anxious that he believes you.

"But I do know him," he continues, his warm eyes boring into yours. "He would never do that to someone without a reason."

The beer from last night suddenly tries to force its way back up your throat. "A-are you saying it's my fault?" you choke out, tears welling in your eyes.

"No, no," he says quickly, placing his hand over yours. "Not at all. You didn't do anything wrong. I just know something had to have happened that maybe you're not aware of." He scoots closer to you, taking both of your hands in his, your body relaxing at his words of reassurance. "Hyung is one of the kindest and most genuine people on this planet. But he's also very spiteful and vengeful when someone crosses him. This is exactly how he acts when he's hurt."

"I've tried asking him one hundred times," you say shakily, one tear falling down your cheek. "And yesterday when you left so we could talk, I asked him again. He told me that even if I knew and apologized it wouldn't make a difference. He said he'd never forgive me."

"Whether you did something or not, purposefully or not, the way he's treating you isn't okay," Namjoon sighs, looking down at your lap. "I can try and find out what happened."

"No," you shake your head, shifting from sad to angry. "I don't want to know anymore. I don't need his forgiveness. I know in my heart that I have never wronged him, and I can hold my head up high because of it. But it won't matter for much longer anyways."

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