Ch 84 | Done For

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Y/N's POV:

Morning sunlight cascades across Yoongi's sleeping face, the sparkle in his eyelashes making him look almost angelic as they start to flutter open. You stare at his side profile as he slowly wakes up, and your heart actually skips a beat when he turns to look at you. You're laying on your side with both arms tucked underneath your head, not embarrassed at all to admit how long you've been awake staring at him.

The lazy smile that stretches across his face shoots butterflies through your stomach, and you're practically frozen in awe from how good he looks. Your ears turn pink when he turns to face you, his hand gently cupping your cheek to smooth his thumb over your skin.

Suddenly you're overcome with emotion, your throat starting to tighten as you take a better look at him. His eyes are different this morning compared to the last couple days. They're swollen and tired from crying, but he seems okay. It's like they aren't so heavy; like a weight was lifted off of him.

He looks like G again.

"Good morning, Nabi," he says in that deep morning voice that always does something to you.

"Good morning," you smile softly, your eyes closing as he leans in to gently kiss your forehead. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a rock," he exhales, but you already knew that. You woke up a few times just to check on him but he was sound asleep every time. Not even Nala's 4am zoomies woke him up.

"Good," you grin, rolling onto your back and stretching your arms up over your head. "Do you have any plans today?"

"I have a dinner this afternoon but that's not until 6 or 7. You?"

"I want to go on a date."

He blinks at you a couple of times before slowly sitting up, and you do the same. His perfect body is a little distracting since he's still stark naked, but you managed to slip on his white t-shirt before falling asleep. After looking over at the clock he turns back to you and says, "I think a date would be nice. Maybe I could take you out to that sushi restaurant tomorrow nigh-"

"No, I want to go on a date now," you say sternly, his eyes searching yours. "Somewhere fun with yummy food."

"N-now?" he asks with his brows furrowed. "Nabi, last night was hard for me and I'm really not in the mood to go anywhere."

"But we need to," you pout, grabbing his legs and scooting closer to him. "Let's go out, G. Somewhere public."

"Why public?" he grimaces. "That sounds even worse. Paparazzi would be everywhere."

"Exactly," you nod, giving his leg a squeeze. "We've been in hiding since I left the hospital, but I want to show the world we're okay. That no one can break us. Especially not Aera or Chul."

He's quiet for a second as he searches your eyes, and you know he's thinking he'd rather spend all day at home recharging. Yoongi's an introvert and his social and emotional batteries have been completely drained lately, but sometimes recharging doesn't have to come from rest. Sometimes it comes from a big middle finger to the camera.

"We can keep it low key if you want," you say to him, flashing your best puppy dog eyes. "We could just do lunch somewhere simple. Or we could go bowling. Or we can visit a museum. Or take a walk in the park. Whatever you want."

"I don't know, Nabi," he frowns, looking down at his lap. "I feel better today than yesterday but I still don't really want to do anything."

"I won't force you, G, but I think it would be really good for the both of us. I want to take the power back. I want Aera, Jamie, and Chul to know how insignificant they are."

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