Ch 15 | Advice

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Author's POV:

"Where is he?!" Jimin barks, swinging Seokjin's front door open. He storms through the living room, Kai nervously trailing behind him.

All the other members are sitting at Jin's kitchen table, not seeming very surprised at Jimin's entrance. He's so angry he can hardly see straight. He's never been this disappointed in his older brother so he doesn't even know what to do right now. All he sees is red.

Yoongi has always been someone Jimin looks up to. He's one of strongest people he knows and they've overcome so much together as the two who've struggled the most with mental health. They've pulled each other out of really dark places and have always had each other's backs.

This doesn't make sense to him. He can't imagine Yoongi ever treating someone so horribly.

"Jimin," Hoseok says, standing up to place himself between him and the others. "You need to breathe."

"Breathe?!" he yells, getting right in his face but Hobi's trying to remain calm. "Don't tell me to breathe when someone I trusted was berating and traumatizing not only my friend but my employee!"

"Jimin," Taehyung says, stepping up next to Hoseok. "Whatever you're thinking about saying or yelling, I can promise you Hobi-hyung already addressed it."

His eyes furiously dart back to Hoseok, noticing his clenched jaw and hands shaking from anger. Tears are brimming in his eyes and Jimin recognizes that look. He's not okay either.

But that doesn't make Jimin's rage disappear.

"Move," Jimin hisses, brushing past the both of them, his eyes angrily scanning over everyone until they find who they're looking for. Yoongi's sitting at the head of the table in the same outfit from yesterday, his hands nervously kneading each other together.

But the man sitting before him isn't anything like the Hyung he knows. His skin is ghostly pale, his cheeks are sunken in, his shoulders are slumped and shaking, but it's the look in his eyes that shatters his heart.

There's nothing Jimin could say that he doesn't already know. Just one glance and he can see the deep regret and pain carved into his heart. He's beating himself up way more than he or any member ever could.

But that doesn't make Jimin feel any better.

"How could you?" he asks shakily, tears of frustration falling down his face. "What were you thinking?"

"It was Aera," Jungkook says, but Yoongi puts his hand up to stop him.

"It wasn't Aera," he shakes his head, looking right into Jimin's eyes. "It was my fault. I let her get in my head, I used my past as an excuse to sabotage things with [Y/N]."

"Sabotage is an understatement," Jimin grits through his teeth. "Did you know she lost twenty pounds in two months because she couldn't keep food down?" The look of gut wrenching pain flashes across Yoongi's eyes but Jimin can't stop himself. He needs him to understand what he's done. "Did you know she wasn't able to sleep through the night for eight weeks straight? Did you know she was so depressed she couldn't get out of bed unless it was for work? Do you have any idea how much damage you've done?"

"I'm sorry," Yoongi says quietly, looking down at the table. He probably knew how bad things were for you to an extent, but hearing it out loud wedges the knife deeper into his chest.

"Hyung was hurting too," Jungkook says, taking Yoongi's hand. "You saw the way the video was clipped. You know what he's been through, he really thought [Y/N] was going behind his back."

"I don't give a shit," Jimin growls. "He had every opportunity to tell someone. We saw him almost every day. We all knew he was struggling and he kept his mouth shut even when we tried asking if he was okay. And he knew damn well [Y/N] would never do something like that."

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