Ch 85 | No Place Else

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Y/N's POV:

"Right this way," the nurse says, ushering you towards a hospital room at the end of the hall.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Yoongi asks, grabbing your hand.

You nod and say, "I'm sure, G. He can't hurt me anymore."

"Okay," he breathes out, not liking the idea of being anywhere near Ho-Jin.

You two are back at Samsung Medical Center despite Yoongi's multiple protests. He's still furious about the way Ho-Jin spoke to you on that recording, and he doesn't plan on forgiving him no matter what he does. To be fair, you don't plan to forgive him either, but you don't want to hold onto this resentment anymore. When your lawyers told you Ho-Jin asked to speak with you, your immediate response was yes.

What's happened has happened, and now you just need some closure. Ho-Jin is still going to get punished for his part in everything and Yoongi is going to make sure of it. That part is out of your hands.

Yoongi slides the white door open for you and lets you step inside first, but he's practically gluing himself to your back as he walks behind you. Your eyes fall on Ho-Jin still in his bed, and you can feel the menacing aura oozing from Yoongi against the back of your neck. Ho-Jin smiles at you but it doesn't last long when he sees your pissed off boyfriend right behind you.

"Hey," you say softly, noticing how weak and fragile he looks. It's been two days since he woke up and spilled everything he knew about Chul and Jamie without sparing a single detail. The information he had on them was enough to put them behind bars for way longer than you could've.

"Hi," he says before clearing his throat and looking out the window. His hair is now much shorter than it used to be since they had to shave his head for the multiple surgeries. Chul really almost killed him and the doctors said it's a miracle he's alive. But after two months of sleeping and recovering, he looks almost normal again except for the hospital gown. You're used to seeing him in luxury name brand clothing even when he sleeps.

You walk towards Ho-Jin and take the chair next to his bed while Yoongi stands behind you, his threatening aura still emanating off of him.

"I heard you wanted to talk," you say to him, making his anxious eyes meet yours.

He nods and says, "Yeah, thank you for coming. I know you didn't have to."

"You're right, she didn't," Yoongi hisses, making Ho-Jin's shoulders tense. "Make it quick."

You're okay with Yoongi being protective and angry right now because you know it's taking everything he has not to kill Ho-Jin with his bare hands. The recording of him threatening you was the last thing he heard before you were taken, so of course he still hates him.

"Um, I-I..." he stutters, breaking eye contact and looking down at his lap. "I know it doesn't mean much, but I just wanted to apologize for everything. For the cheating, for not treating you right, for blaming you, and for what I said... at the cafe..." His voice gets quieter as he chokes up, genuine tears beginning to well in his eyes. "I had no right to do that to you," he says shakily, his hands balling up the comforter over his legs. "I know you probably wont forgive me, but I really mean it-"

"I do forgive you," you say to him, making his eyes nearly bulge out of his head. You can feel the heat from your boyfriend but he remains silent as you continue. "But I won't forget. I'm not forgiving you because you deserve it; I'm forgiving you because I deserve it. There's no point in holding onto all these negative feelings, it doesn't do me any good."

A single tear rolls down his cheek as he stares at you in awe, his grip on the blanket getting even tighter. "Let's both do our best to heal and move on, okay?" you smile, cupping your hand over his. He looks down at your hand before meeting your eyes again, tears really beginning to fall down his face.

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