Ch 79 | Surviving

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Y/N's POV:

"Do you guys need anything?" Sunny asks, ushering you all to the living room. "We have soda, tea, coffee, water, whatever you need." Yoongi takes a seat with you on the couch while the officers sit on the love seats across from the coffee table. Nala wanted to say hi but quickly scurried off once she realized strangers were in the house.

"I'll have tea and this meat head will have water," Officer Park smiles, gesturing towards Dal. "He doesn't drink anything with calories."

"Noted," Sunny giggles, looking towards you.

"I'll have a coff-"

"She'll have water," Yoongi glares, cutting you off. "The doctor said she needs to stay hydrated."

Sunny tries to hide her smile as you roll your eyes, choosing not to fight this battle. You thought you'd have more freedom at home but Yoongi might actually be even more strict here than he was at the hospital.

"So, Miss [Y/N]," Officer Park says, pulling out her notepad. "I'm sorry to ambush you in your home like this, but we were hoping to get your statement as quickly as possible."

"It's fine," you nod, feeling Yoongi's hand squeeze your thigh. "My memory's a little fuzzy though."

"That's expected," she smiles, easing your nerves just the tiniest bit. "You were asleep for over a month, I know some parts might not be as clear anymore. Just tell me everything you can remember from the beginning."

"And take your time," Dal says, boring his comforting chocolate doe eyes into yours. "We know what you went through was pretty traumatic, so if you need a break or anything, just let us know."

"Okay," you say nervously, gripping your t-shirt over your stomach. "Do I just start from the parking lot?"

"That would be great," he nods.

You begin to recount what happened as Kai led you to his Mercedes after work, and your memory is pretty clear during this part. The details of the blade sinking into his flesh is still burned into your mind, so you're easily able to explain that in detail. Yoongi's burning with rage as you tell them about Kevin pressing the knife against your throat, and tears brim in your eyes when you remember having to leave Kai all alone on the ground like that.

The officers are quiet as they listen to your story, and when you get to the part about the phone conversation with Yoongi, he pulls out his phone.

"My lawyers were able to get a copy of the call," he says, placing the device on the coffee table. He plays the recording for them and your stomach sinks hearing how terrified you were. In the moment, you thought you'd done a pretty good job of sounding okay, but you weren't.

"You knew she'd been taken just from that?" Dal asks as the call comes to an end, and Sunny returns with everyone's drinks and sits down next to you. "She sounds distressed but not alarmingly."

"She hates butterflies," Yoongi nods. "I'd already had a feeling something was up, but that was what confirmed it for me."

"I'm impressed," Officer Park chuckles, writing a few more notes. "And after that, you ended up at the abandoned church?"

"Yeah," you mumble, looking down at your lap. "Chul led me into the nave and that's where Jamie and Aera had Ho-Jin tied up. They told me they'd brought me there to kill me."

Yoongi squeezes your leg but your eyes lock with Dal's again. It's like he already believes the words coming out of your mouth, as if he knows you're telling the truth without even looking into it. And you can't really look at Yoongi right now, because you know you'll cry if you do.

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