Ch 73 | You're Alive

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains and/or mentions :
Violence/ blood/ death/ SA/ murder

Please read at your own risk


Y/N's POV:

It makes sense now.

Namjoon's makeup artist, Choi Kevin.

He's the one who's been recording you. He's the one who's been giving Aera the inside scoop, and apparently Jamie too. You're feeling dizzy, desperately wishing you could wake up from this nightmare.

He's a kind man with a wife and kids. Everyone on the team considers him the best of the best, both as a professional and as a person.

"Kevin?" you ask shakily, your throat so tight that your voice is hardly a whisper. "Is that really you?"

"Yes," he scowls, but he's not looking at you, he's glaring at Jamie. "But I didn't sign up for this shit. No one said anything about murder."

"You watched me kill someone earlier," Chul says, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and I almost ran right there," he hisses, his skin red hot like he's about to explode.

"But you didn't," Jamie smirks, crossing her arms over her chest. "Because you can't; not unless you want your precious wife to go to jail."

Of course he's being threatened. Kevin's not the type to be involved in something like this. You're not sure what his wife did to deserve jail time but it's apparently not anything as grave as murder. He genuinely seems appalled right now. You remember his eyes when you looked at him in the mirror. They looked nervous, and you originally thought it was because he didn't want to be caught. But now you understand it was guilt.

He didn't want Kai to lose his life like that.

"You people really are insane," he breathes out, taking a step back with wide eyes. "You told me you just needed me to spy on them. And that I needed to bring her here so you could threaten her."

"Well, we are threatening her," Aera shrugs. "Threatening to kill her."

"No, you crazy bitch," he scowls. "I know you want her man, and you were just supposed to scare her into breaking up with him. If you keep killing people, I'm out."

"You're such a pussy," Aera rolls her eyes, shooing him with her hand. "Plus, killing her will only benefit you now. She saw your face."

Your breathing is shaky and unstable, your stomach in knots and your mind starting to panic again. Yoongi probably knows something happened to you but these assholes were 30-40 minutes ahead. They tossed your phone so they won't be able to track you, and you don't have your smartwatch on today.

This is it. They truly intend to kill you.

"You can go," Jamie smirks at Kevin. "You've done your part."

"Fucking psychos," he hisses, giving you an apologetic look before turning around. Quiet sobs spill from your chest as reality hits you again, this time much more mercilessly.

The only person in the room who doesn't want you dead is leaving.

"Oh shut up," Aera growls, marching over and yanking you back by your hair. "Your pathetic life is nothing to cry over."

All you can think about is how much you regret the way you handled things. You should've pressed legal charges against Aera. You shouldn't have met with Ho-Jin. You shouldn't have lied to Yoongi about it. Then Kai never would've had to pick you up. He never would've gotten hurt.

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