Ch 46 | The Letter

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Y/N's POV:

The ground beneath you feels like it's caving in and your stomach sinks further when you see that hideous grin stretch across Aera's face. Kai's protectively in front of you, but you've shifted to his left slightly to get a better look. She's still sitting in her chair, looking very out of place in this run-down ramen shop with her Gucci black maxi dress and full face of makeup.

There's a woman sitting across from her who's staring blankly into her cellphone, completely ignoring what's happening in front of her. She looks a little familiar but you can't see much of her since she's got a black ball cap on. Her medium length blonde hair ends right at her shoulders and she's a little heavier in terms of Korean standards, but nonetheless you can still see she's gorgeous.

"What am I doing here?" Aera snorts, looking relaxed as she rolls her eyes. "Am I not allowed to grab ramen here? Do you own this place?" She looks exactly the same as she did one month ago, her bright orange hair making her look like a carrot, but she's still just as beautiful as you remember. The two moles underneath her eyebrow somehow make her prettier rather than looking like a blemish.

"You're telling me you just so happened to sit right behind us?" Kai asks with a heavy attitude, his hands now resting on his hips. "Seems like a pretty convenient coincidence."

"Well it is," she smiles tightly. "Smart of you guys to use nicknames during your conversation though, I'll give you props for that." Her smile drops and her eyes meet yours, her gaze dripping with fury and hostility so clear it makes your breath hitch.

"You're so pathetic," she says with a low and smooth voice. "Yoongi should be embarrassed to have chosen someone like you."

"Excuse me?" you scoff, your fear shifting into rage.

"You're weak and cowardly," she barks, her voice getting a little louder. "He deserves someone better than you. Someone who can treat him the way he deserves."

"Someone like you?" Kai snorts like she's stupid. "Someone who manipulates him and lies to him? Someone who intentionally hurts him?"

"All I did was open his eyes," she hisses, turning her attention towards Kai. "It might've hurt him for a little, but it's because I know what's best for him. This weak little bitch here couldn't even admit she had feelings for him."

"I did though," you grit through your teeth. "I told him, and then walked in on him with you three days later."

"Well you were too fucking late," she smirks. "And you're doing it again; pushing him away because you're scared. You disgust me to the point of hatred."

She's speaking about you like you're the scum of the earth. Like you're a plague that needs to be eradicated. There's so much malice and spite in her tone it would probably make you cry if you weren't so angry.

"The feeling is mutual," Kai smiles tightly, taking your hand in his. "You're just salty because your risk didn't pay off. You lost everything all at once; your job, your friends, and your boy toy. Who's embarrassing now?"

"Oh trust me," she chuckles. "I haven't lost anything."

"You don't even have any remorse," you say in disbelief, having a hard time comprehending this conversation. "What you did scarred him. He spent countless nights crying. You made him relive his awful past, and you're not even sorry."

"Like I said," she sighs. "His hurt was temporary. I know how to make him happy, and that's something you'll never understand. I honestly feel bad he's stuck with someone like you." The corners of her lips curve up into a sinister smile as she meets your eyes again. "For now, anyway. I knew you'd do this. Running away is your specialty."

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