Ch 30 | Now or Never

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Y/N's POV:

"I miss Jimin," Kai sobs into your lap. "I hate him for leaving me."

"You could've gone back with him," you laugh, running your hand over his platinum blonde hair.

"No, because then I'd be crying in his lap about how much I miss you," he wails, making you and Sunny roll your eyes with a smile.

Jeffrey chuckles before handing him a wine glass and says, "It's only been two days. How are you supposed to get through another week and a half?"

"Don't fucking remind me, Jeffrey," Kai hisses while still taking the Chardonnay from his hand.

Namjoon and Jimin left two days ago and things have been rather quiet at the Williams house. Namjoon called you once he landed and has texted here and there about work, conversation flowing much more easily than you expected. You're not sure why that's surprising though, he's always had the ability to talk about nothing around you.

A large chunk of the last forty-eight hours has consisted of you avoiding Yoongi like he's the plague. You're currently trying to talk to Kai and calm him down while also attempting to ignore the holes being burned into the side of your face by Yoongi sitting a few feet from you.

Hopefully he can't tell how fast your heart is beating because it's almost embarrassing how nervous you are. You're an absolute wreck, unsure of how to act around him. As usual, your head and your heart are at war, one wanting nothing to do with him while the other wants to be on top of him. You can tell he's trying not to come on too strong but doesn't really know where to go from here. Anytime he tries to talk to you, somehow you end up clinging to Kai or Sunny to avoid him.

You're also not really sure when to come clean about Namjoon just being friends with benefits and not an actual romantic interest, but every time you think about bringing it up, you get scared. Namjoon said he would tell Yoongi if you'd like, but you want to be the one to do it. You want to be able to clearly explain everything without seeming like you're running away. Once you were adamant about being the one to tell him, Namjoon was quick to say, "Okay, then tell him after I leave so he can't kick my ass."

While Kai sobs into your lap, Yoongi lets out a quiet sigh before standing up and heading outside onto the back porch.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sunny asks through her teeth, pinching your arm and making you yelp. "You're making this fucking awkward."

"What am I supposed to do?" you hiss back, massaging your now swollen skin.

"Tell him to go back to South Korea if you're just going to waste his time like this," Jeffrey says, making your jaw slack. Sunny shoots him a glare and he just shrugs and leans back in his seat. "I'm just saying. You won't even let him hardly speak to you."

"I-I'm just nervous," you mumble, averting everyone's eyes. "I don't know what to say."

Sunny sighs like you're an idiot and says, "You don't have to speak. Just be near him for a second, it won't kill you."

"Do you want me to make up with him?" you ask her with a brow raised. Kai finally gets up off your lap to wipe his face off. "I thought you didn't like him."

"I don't like what he did to you," she frowns. "But I like him as a person. And I like the way he looks at you when you're not paying attention. It's getting a little hard to watch you be such an asshole to him."

"A-an asshole?" you gape. "Am I really being that bad?"

"Yeah," Kai nods. "Even I'm starting to feel a little bad for the poor bastard. You're treating him the way I treat men when they give me the ick."

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