Ch 37 | Breathless

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Y/N's POV:

Just landed ❤️

I'm glad you made it :)
How was ten straight
hours with Kai?


I miss you already

I miss you too...

"Damn, you guys move fast," Sunny snorts, reading your texts over your shoulder. "Are you two back together?"

"No," you frown, staring down at your screen. "I'm not ready to fully commit yet, I want to see how it goes back in South Korea first."

"I think that's a smart idea," she smiles, taking a sip of her soda since she can't have wine with you. "Things seemed really good between you two here but it'll be a lot more hectic once you're back at work."

"That's what I'm worried about," you sigh, leaning back in your seat. You've been depressed all day since Yoongi and Kai left and your sister dragged you out for dinner so you'd stop moping around. Kai offered to stay the last three days but you know he's been missing Jimin so you told him to go.

It felt like a dream when you woke up in Yoongi's arms this morning, and you stared at his sleeping face for a good ten minutes like a weirdo before he finally woke up. His lazy gummy smile nearly sent you into cardiac arrest before he pulled you in for a good morning kiss, your whole body buzzing from contentment. Things started to get a little heated again until Kai burst through the door, letting you know fun time was over.

"Just try not to overthink," Sunny smiles, resting her chin in her hands. "You can always quit later. Just see how it goes for a few months and if it sucks, my house is always available for you."

"Thanks Unnie," you grin, knowing you're incredibly lucky to have such amazing people in your life. "I'll make sure to visit more often, too."

She huffs out a laugh, crossing her arms over her chest and says, "You'd better. We went way too long without seeing each other this time."

Sunny used to be able to visit you more often but work started getting really busy for Jeffrey the last few years so she hasn't had as much time off from parenthood. Your parents help as much as they can but they're getting older and Jenna has more and more energy each day, making it hard for them to keep up.

"I promise," you giggle, finishing up your last few bites of sushi. You enjoy your dinner and text with Yoongi for a few more minutes before he tells you he's going to nap, which is very on brand of the sleeping prince.

Jenna and Jeffrey are with Sunny's god awful in-laws tonight so she's in no hurry to return home, eventually dragging you to a casual bar even though she's not drinking. "You have to drink for the both of us," she sighs. "I'm living vicariously through you."

You'll take any distraction right now so you let her buy you drinks, not getting wasted but after an hour or two you're feeling pretty good. The two of you are dressed casually-cute, Sunny in blue jeans and a white blouse, you in a burgundy v-neck and black slacks. Even in your drunken state you can feel all the distasteful male eyes on you and your sister, but tonight you'll be ignoring them.

Sunny's in the middle of talking your ear off when your phone buzzes in your jeans, your heart skipping a beat in hopes it's Yoongi. After pulling it out from your back pocket your jaw nearly comes unhinged at the caller ID.

Unfortunately it's not lit up with your favorite nickname. It's lit up with the only other man you've slept with.

"What?" Sunny asks, noticing your disgusted expression. She grabs your phone and makes a similar grimace when she sees Ho-Jin's name on the screen. "Ew, what the fuck does he want?"

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