Ch 16 | Healing

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Y/N's POV:

"Good morning Jimin, Miss [Y/N]," an older woman smiles, ushering you both towards a door on her left. "Go on in, Mr. Song is waiting for you inside."

You nod and Jimin puts his hand on your shoulder, leading you inside first. The room is just a small conference room, one brown rectangular table in the center with 5 white chairs lined on each side, one on each end. The walls are a rustic tan color with different art pieces hung up everywhere.

The first person you see is Mr. Song, but he's not alone. Sitting on either side of him is none other than Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi, the air seeming a little tense as soon as you walk in. The two of them are dressed very casually, just some joggers and hoodies but Mr. Song looks dressed up like usual, wearing a navy button down tucked into black slacks. Namjoon gives you a warm smile, allowing your shoulders to relax the tiniest bit. Your eyes then flicker over to Yoongi and your heart leaps up to your throat at the way he's looking at you.

Considering the way he's treated you lately, he's almost unrecognizable right now. But you know that face better than anyone else. That's not Yoongi, that's G.

He's back.

Yoongi's looking at you the same way he used to, his eyes full of affection and warmth, nearly causing your knees to buckle from how beautiful he is. He's finally looking at you the way you've so desperately wanted him to. For a moment, time stands still, making it seem like you're the only two in the room.

But as soon as the relief hits, so does the sadness. Your stomach sinks when you're forced to remember the situation you're in. That he's not your boyfriend. That he's not the one who holds you at night.

"Good morning," you say, giving them a small bow.

"Good morning to you as well," Mr. Song grins, his familiar round face and kind eyes bringing you comfort during this awkward situation. He gestures towards the chairs across from him and says, "Please take a seat."

You move to take the seat on the left but Jimin stops you, pulling out the chair on the right for you so you're not sitting across from Yoongi. He didn't tell you much about his conversation with him but you know it didn't go well. Kai said it's better if you don't ask. You did make sure they'd be okay and Jimin's response was, "Yoongi-hyung is and always will be my family. We will figure it out."

He waits for you to take your seat before sitting down to your left, and you keep your eyes on Mr. Song, worried you'll crumble if you look at Yoongi again.

"I'm sure you know why we've called you here," Mr. Song says, leaning forward with his elbows on the table.

You nod and answer, "I have a pretty good idea."

"First off, I know you received an apology directly from Yoongi himself, but I'd like to apologize on behalf of the company as well." He scoots his chair back slightly and gives you a bow, making your shoulders tense. "We need to do a better job of protecting our employees and we let you down. I truly apologize, and cannot begin to describe our gratitude for your loyalty towards Jimin as both a friend and employee."

"P-please don't bow," you say nervously, putting your hands out in front of you. "It's over now. I appreciate it but I've also been able to make some incredible friends and memories here."

"Even so," he says, sitting back upright. "It was an embarrassment to hear my own staff was going through all this right under my nose. I have a lot to learn as a supervisor and I appreciate your kindness and generosity through all of this."

You nod, biting into your lip and looking down at your lap.

"That being said," he continues. "We do have to take practical steps to ensure the health and safety of all employees, both mentally and physically. Jimin told me you plan on resigning, is that still the case?"

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