Ch 67 | Confirmation

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Y/N's POV:

"Wait, you saw him?" Sunny asks with a noodle hanging out of her mouth. "Today?"

"Yeah," you mumble, poking around at your tofu.

"What the hell?" Kai gapes with Jimin looking similarly appalled next to him. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Seriously you should've said something," Namjoon frowns, cupping his hand over yours. "I noticed you got quiet after you came back from getting some air but couldn't tell if something happened."

Kai dragged you out to lunch and with Namjoon and Jimin, ignoring your protests to go home, and Sunny ended up joining too since Jenna's at her new daycare school. After running away from Yoongi and Nina like a coward, you completely buried your thoughts and emotions, telling yourself you just needed to survive the vlive. Then of course these idiots forced you out for food afterwards.

You're like an empty shell. Your chest hurts so badly your breathing is shallow, and it's taking everything you have to keep your thoughts at bay. Namjoon bought you some tofu lettuce wraps but you can't even attempt to eat it. Within seconds it'll be back up on the table. You can tell they're all really worried about you, so with a calm voice and your eyes glazed over, you just blurted out that you ran into Yoongi.

"I couldn't say anything, not at work," you breathe out, forcing yourself to take a sip of water. "I needed to make it through the vlive."

"Mr. Song would've understood," Jimin says, making you angrily meet his eyes.

"He shouldn't have to," you bark way more aggressively than you meant. "I can't keep acting like a kid who isn't capable of handling their emotions. This is my job."

"Okay, okay," Jimin chuckles, putting his hands up in defeat.

"No, I'm sorry Chim," you frown, frustratedly running your hands through your hair. "I didn't mean to snap. My head is just so jumbled."

"It's okay," he smiles, making your shoulders relax. "I understand. I'm sure it was hard to see him."

"Was he alone?" Sunny asks, making you avert your eyes, giving her the answer. "No? Was he with Jungkook? Mrs. Shin?"

"He was with Nina..." you mumble, looking down at your untouched food. They all get quiet, unsure of what to say or do. And truthfully, there is nothing that can make you feel better right now.

Logically, you know Yoongi wouldn't move on that quickly. You also know he'd never get with Nina for revenge. He's not that kind of person, especially since Aera's not whispering in his ear this time.

But it sucks. Nina was sitting where you should've been. That's your place. Right next to his side. Yet you lost that privilege.

"Cheer up, Nabi," Namjoon says, putting his arm around your shoulder. "I'm telling you, he'll come around. I've known him for over ten years now. He loves you and knows you'd never do anything to hurt him."

"That doesn't mean he's going to forgive me," you say shakily, tears brimming in your eyes. "He said it himself. If the roles were reversed during the Aera situation, he's not sure if he ever would've taken me back."

"He would've," Kai says, leaning forward with his elbows on the table. "He loves you more than a regular person can love someone. Yoongi's stubborn and vengeful, but you're the exception."

"Just stay patient," Jimin says warmly. "K's right, Hyung will come around. He's just a little triggered right now due to his past."

"I don't know how I'm just supposed to wait around and do nothing," you choke out, tears falling down your face as the numbness fades. "I know he wants space, but I feel like I should be doing something. Apologizing. Begging. Sitting outside Jungkook's apartment on the off chance they take pity on me and let me in. I feel helpless."

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