Ch 22 | Humored

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Y/N's POV:

"Fuck, I'm so bored."

"Then maybe you should go back to work," Sunny snorts, rocking a sleeping Jenna back and forth in her arms. You're currently upside down on the couch with your legs hanging over the top of the cushions, staring blankly at the television.

A week and a half has passed and you're not sure how Sunny does it. Being a stay at home mom seems like a nightmare. People like to joke about how it's easy but this shit is a full-time job, and you find her insane for wanting another little monster running around. You love Jenna with all your heart but dear god being around her is exhausting.

"No, I'm supposed to be enjoying my vacation," you huff, crossing your arms over your chest as you remain upside down. "We used to be fun and stayed out late doing things we shouldn't."

"Are you calling me boring now that I'm a mom?"

You shrug your shoulders and say, "Your words, not mine."

A smirk stretches across your face as a fire lights in her eyes just like you knew it would. "I am not a boring mom," she grits through her teeth.

"Like I said," you say playfully. "Your words, not mine."

"That's it," she barks, nearly waking up the demon child in her arms. "Call Mom, see if she'll watch Jenna tonight. We need to get out of this house."

"Hell yes!" you shout, immediately slapping your hand over your mouth as Jenna starts to squirm. Luckily she was just adjusting and is still fast asleep.

Nala's currently sitting in the corner, watching her like a hawk. She seems both intrigued and terrified by little Jenna, but Jenna absolutely loves her. She's been begging her mother for a cat for the last five days now.

So far, you and Namjoon have messaged at least once a day. You tried phone sex the other night but it was a little uncomfortable since you're an awkward lump of shit, but he was happy to sext again the next night. The two of you seem to really enjoy that, and you love getting new sexy pictures of him. Last night he sent a full body nude in the mirror and you almost shit your pants because you opened it at the dinner table.

Yoongi has texted you almost every day, but for some reason he hasn't messaged you the last two days. He's been the one to text first every time and you're trying to decide if you want to be the one to reach out now. Kai said he's probably feeling a little insecure, worried he's bothering you by not giving you enough space.

Little does he know, you're dying to talk to him. Even if it's about nothing. Actually, more than anything, you want to hear his voice. So many times you've hovered your thumb over the call button, but you can't do it. There's something stopping you and you're not sure if it's pride, hurt feelings, or some leftover anger. But at this point you're only hurting yourself. You miss him way more than you'd like to admit and you finally had to give Sunny your phone so you'd stop checking it every ten seconds.

She hands you her phone to call your parents and they happily agree to watch Jenna for the night so you two can spend time together. It's been years since you and Sunny were able to go out like this. Once Jeffrey gets home you and her spend an hour or two getting ready together just like old times.

You both decide to go all out, her outfit consisting of a cute baby blue silk dress that extends midway down her thighs since she's so short, but she has white platform heels on, giving her at least four or five inches, and you have on a white strapless mini dress and black heels. The fabric extends down to your shoes but there's a long slit up your right thigh, giving you that sexy edge you're going for tonight.

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