Ch 86 | Always Us

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Y/N's POV:

"Oh my god," Sunny groans. "Please, get this fucking monster out of me."

"We're working on it, I promise," the doctor chuckles. "Give me another push, Da-Som."

"Fucking bitch!!!" Sunny screams with a vein popping from her neck, making you and Jeffrey slap your hands over your mouths to contain your laughter. She's not cussing out the medical staff, she's just in pain.

Ten hours of labor will do that to a person.

"Come on girlboss, don't give up," you grin, trying to ignore the pain from Sunny's hand crushing yours. Jeffrey has it worse as he leans over the bed while Sunny has the collar of his shirt in her other fist. He looks almost terrified.

Sunny lets out another blood curdling scream before a different wail begins to fill the room.

A baby's.

Sunny's practically sobbing as Jeffrey soothes her, letting her know everything is fine and that he's so proud of her. You, on the other hand, have let go of her hand to have a good look at your sister's bloody coochie. The fact that a human just came out of there is completely mind blowing to you, but watching the umbilical cord get cut is pretty interesting.

You're usually a queasy crybaby but for some reason this doesn't disgust you at all.

"Here she is," the doctor smiles, holding up a cheesy gremlin that hardly resembles a homosapien. "It's a baby girl."

Sunny sticks out her arms, too exhausted to even speak, but more tears pour from her eyes when she gets to hold her daughter in her arms for the first time. Jeffrey's crying now too, and your chest swells watching their little family grow by one more.

You give Sunny a kiss on the top of her head and follow the medical staff out, only one nurse remaining so they can have some alone time.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Yoongi asks, running up to you with Jenna in his arms.

"Little Jenna here now has a little sister!" you beam, clapping your hands together as her eyes get big and shiny.

"A girl?!" she shouts before throwing her hands in the air. "In your face Uncle G! You owe me three dollars!"

"Alright, alright," Yoongi groans while rolling his eyes. Apparently they made a little bet on the gender of Sunny's unborn baby.

Your phone buzzes from your back pocket and you find a text from Jeffrey asking for you to bring Jenna in. He says Yoongi can stop by as well if he's still here.

You lead them back into the delivery room and Jenna's starstruck when she lays eyes on her little sister. For the first time since she was able to speak, she's stunned silent. She actually clings to Yoongi's black hoodie as they get closer, probably a little nervous, but you can clearly see it in her eyes how much she loves that girl already.

"Say hello, Jenna," Sunny smiles. She's exhausted and her hair's a mess but she still looks so beautiful. You've never seen someone in that much pain before yet she doesn't look regretful at all. She looks peaceful.

Maybe that's the drugs.

Yoongi sets Jenna gently onto the bed next to her mom, and she clings to his sleeve even when sitting down. Her eyes are still fixated on the little cheese gremlin that just came out of her mom, and you can't help but swoon over how cute this moment is.

"Say hi to Lucy," Jeffrey smiles. "It's okay to touch her as long as you're gentle."

Jenna nervously looks up at her father before nodding and looking back down, slowly scooting her bum closer to her mom. She leans forward to get a better look, her curious eyes scanning all over Lucy.

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