Ch 57 | Mourning

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Y/N's POV:

"Namjoon's moving in with me."

The bite of rice you'd just swallowed immediately comes back up, a small piece of carrot flying across the table and landing right on Yoongi's cheek. This isn't the first time you've coughed food onto him and he doesn't seem surprised. He calmly slides your glass of water closer to you while you try not to choke to death.

"What?" you gape, very confused by this sudden declaration.

It's been a week since Yoongi's talk with Namjoon, and honestly he didn't give you much information on how it went. You'd already left for work when Yoongi had returned home and you didn't see him until the next day. He told you it went well, and that he confirmed Namjoon has no intention of dating you or making you like him.

You were relieved but Yoongi seemed really down. Almost somber. Something else definitely happened that he's not telling you, but you're trying not to pry. It's either something he's not comfortable sharing yet, or it's something Namjoon asked him not to talk about, and you're choosing to respect it.

After a few days, Yoongi was back to normal anyways. Namjoon has texted you like nothing's wrong, and Yoongi said he's completely fine with you continuing your friendship. You saw Namjoon briefly during the vlive for Army's birthday and he and Yoongi seemed relaxed and friendly like usual, so you've decided not to worry about it anymore.

"Namjoon's going to move into the loft upstairs," Yoongi says, wiping his face off with a napkin. "It could be temporary or it could be indefinitely, we're not sure yet. Is that okay?"

"W-well it's fine with me," you stutter, looking at him with your brows furrowed. "It's not my house, it's yours."

"Yeah but you're here almost every night," he smiles. "So I need to make sure you're okay with it too."

"Sure..." you say with your eyes narrowed, looking him up and down suspiciously. Nala stays at Yoongi's full time now and you've slept over five of the seven nights since his talk with Namjoon. It's just easier than going back and forth. The day you were finally off your period Yoongi fucked you so good you saw stars (twice), so you're pretty sure nothing's wrong, at least on his end. But this news about Namjoon suddenly moving in is surprising.

"He's having a hard time being alone in his apartment," Yoongi sighs, making your shoulders tense. "He started seeing his therapist again, and she recommended moving out of the place he shared with Hae-Ran, even if it's just temporary."

"Oh my gosh," you frown, setting your chopsticks on the table. "Then of course. I can stay over less so he can be more comfor-"

"You don't need to do that," Yoongi shakes his head, leaning back in his seat. "Just act how you always do. I told you, what's mine is yours, and that includes this house. You're welcome here 24/7."

"But still," you pout. "Wouldn't you guys like some bro time or something?"

"We see each other plenty," Yoongi snorts. "But to be completely transparent, it will actually be better if you're here."

"Really? Why?"

He bites into his cheek and you can tell he's nervous to talk about this. You're not sure what's going on in that giant head of his, but it seems really important, so you wait patiently for him to collect his thoughts.

After a few seconds he finally exhales and says, "I'm going to tell you something, but I don't want you to overthink it, okay?"

"O... kay?" you say as more of a question, getting a little anxious over his behavior.

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