Ch 77 | Loudly & Proudly

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Y/N's POV:

"He's still asleep?" Namjoon asks quietly, pulling up a chair next to your hospital bed.

"Yep," you nod, staring down at Yoongi's sleeping face. "He's been knocked out for three hours now."

"That makes sense," Kai snorts, standing behind Namjoon with his hands in his pockets. "He didn't sleep one wink while you were out, and it only got worse every time the doctors tried to wake you up."

You don't remember much, but you do remember how painful it was every time you woke up with that pounding behind your eyes. The memory of Yoongi holding you while you screamed is fuzzy, but it's there.

"I may have been the one in the hospital bed but I know he's been in a lot more pain than me," you frown, smoothing your thumb over his cheek. He's even paler than usual, the skin around his eyes irritated and swollen, his hands still clutching onto your hospital gown even in his sleep.

"He blamed himself," Namjoon sighs. "Aera has shown no remorse for her actions, not even in front of Hyung."

"Are you serious?" you gape. "Did they talk?"

"The lawyers had them meet," Kai nods. "They'd hoped Yoongi could convince Aera to settle, so that you wouldn't have to testify when you woke up, but it didn't help. The crazy bitch just kept screaming about you being evil and that she was his true love."

"Hyung almost swung at her," Namjoon snorts, still keeping his voice low and staring at Yoongi's face. "I had to hold him back."

"I know it would've made legal matters worse but maybe you should've let him smack her around," you grimace, your stomach in knots knowing Aera was still torturing him while you were asleep.

"I almost got her next," Kai says with an expression full of disgust. "She told his lawyer he should add on murder charges. Because if you were dead, that means she actually freed him from you and did a good job."

"Security had to get involved at that point," Namjoon sighs, your jaw slacked in utter disbelief. You had a feeling Aera wouldn't ever apologize, but you didn't think it would be this bad. You at least expected her to put up a front, claiming she was some sort of victim.

Instead, she's claiming she's a hero.

"Is he okay?" you ask Namjoon, now running your hand through Yoongi's hair. "I mean really okay. He didn't look too good earlier."

Namjoon and Kai get really quiet, and you know that's not good. They both look at each other, making you even more nervous from the concern in their eyes.

"He's not," Namjoon frowns. "Or at least, he wasn't. I'm sure it's better now that you're awake."

"He couldn't come the last two times you were woken up," Kai says, stepping around the chair to stand next to Namjoon. "He couldn't handle it anymore."

They get quiet again, and your heart starts to race from the anxiety. Something else is wrong. Something they don't want to say out loud. They definitely know you're onto them, and you just stare holes into their foreheads, refusing to let it go.

"I don't know if you want to know, Nabi," Namjoon says, running his hands over his thighs.

"I do," you say sternly. "Just tell me. I can handle it."

Namjoon glances up at Kai, and your best friend finally meets your eyes. Suddenly you already know what he's about to say, making your throat tighten.

"Yoongi relapsed while you were asleep. Jungkook found him on his bathroom floor three weeks ago."

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