Ch 83 | Four Words

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains and/or mentions :
Sexual assault/ abuse/ depression/ anxiety

Please read at your own risk


Y/N's POV:

You stare at the door to your bedroom from the couch, still frozen in shock from what just happened. Yoongi finally opened up and told you why he's been so moody lately, but then he suddenly ran away saying he wanted space. He probably shouldn't be alone right now, so you're having an internal conflict on whether you should chase after him or not. You want to be there for him, but you also want to respect his wishes.

The question is: does he actually want space? Or is he hoping you'll walk through that door an hold him like you always do?

You're not sure, so you pull out your phone and decide to call the biggest Yoongi supporter you know.

"Jungkook, I need your advice."

"What's up? Is Hyung okay?"

Everything that just happened five minutes ago comes spilling out of your mouth, and it's not until after you finish that you realize maybe Yoongi wouldn't want Jungkook knowing this information. But luckily for you, he seems to be vaguely aware already.

"My recommendation is to go in there," he says. "He texted me about what Eunj said and I know he's been beating himself up about it, which is ridiculous since he's the victim here. Hyung usually retreats like this whenever he's having a hard time. If it were anyone else I'd tell you to give him space, but you're always the exception to his rules."

"You don't think it'll upset him?"

Jungkook sighs and answers, "Honestly, he might get upset. But let him yell. Let him vent. You're his safe space and he needs to know you're not going anywhere."

"Alright," you exhale shakily. "Can you stay on standby if I need to call?"

"Of course, [Y/N]. Let me know if you need anything."

After thanking him and hanging up the phone, you shuffle over towards the bedroom door before you lose your nerve. Jungkook is probably right. Yoongi needs you to remind him that he's not alone, no matter what he's going through. You're just worried about making things worse for him. It's possible that he's so traumatized right now that he doesn't even want to be touched by anyone, including you.

Ho-Jin tried threatening you into sleeping with him, and Chul was ready to take you by force. You know how disgusting of a feeling like that is, and it must be so much worse for Yoongi because Aera actually succeeded. Luckily he never actually had sex with her, but it was close. She weaseled her way into his arms under false pretenses, and now all he's left with is regret and disgust.

"G," you say softly, knocking on the door. "I'm coming in."

You step inside and find him laying on the bed just blankly staring up at the ceiling with Nala curled up on his stomach. It would be an adorable sight if Yoongi didn't look so broken and sad. His eyes are still red from crying but there aren't any more tears falling down his face.

Nala lets out a long yawn before getting up off of him and walking towards you. She rubs her face against your hand as you sit down on your side of the bed, you and Yoongi remaining silent as you try and think of what to say. You probably should've planned this out better before going inside but you were worried you'd lose your nerve. It was nice hearing Jungkook call you his safe space but you're not sure if you believe it right now. Anything to do with intimacy could be upsetting for Yoongi, so just your existence itself might be harming him right now.

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