Ch 74 | His World

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Author's POV:

Flashback: 12 hours ago

"Good morning," Sunny smiles, flipping over some French toast in a pan. "You hungry?"

"Actually, yeah," Yoongi nods, grabbing his stomach. He hadn't been able to eat much the last two weeks, but after airing things out with you last night, he actually has a bit of an appetite. He fell asleep for another hour or two after you left and woke up to the smell of breakfast.

"Coming right up," Sunny grins, eyeing him up and down. "You seem to be in a better mood today."

"Do I?" Yoongi asks, letting out a yawn as he sits next to Jenna. She's somehow sleeping while sitting up in her high chair, a little bit of drool running down her chin.

Sunny turns back towards the stove and says, "You sure do. Does it have anything to do with the screaming match you had with my sister last night?"

Yoongi's eyes widen in shock as he stares at the back of her head, his appetite quickly disappearing. "Your walls are soundproof but your door is not," Sunny says, plating the French toast before adding more bread into the pan. "I saw Sis wasn't in the guest room so I went to check on her. I think I walked up right as you slammed her against the door."

All the blood drains from Yoongi's face and he says, "I-I didn't slam her against the door. I just stopped her from leaving. I'd never hurt her, you know that."

"You wouldn't hurt her physically," Sunny says, her voice getting a little icier. "But you sure seem fine hurting her emotionally."

The air suddenly gets thicker and sweat starts to bead across Yoongi's forehead, his guilt creeping back up into his chest. His head is a lot clearer today than it was yesterday, and he knows at some point he went too far. He was unconsciously punishing you for the things his ex did to him and that's unfair to you.

"It's not like that, Sunny," Yoongi says, nervously gripping the back of his neck. Getting on your sister's bad side is literally one of his worst fears, and right now she seems pretty pissed. "I love her, I never want to hurt her."

"Then pull your head out of your ass!" she barks, waking Jenna up and making Yoongi's shoulders tense. She turns around and points the spatula right at him, staring him down so venomously it almost makes Yoongi shiver. "I've forgiven you for what you did to her back in February. But you're sorely mistaken if you think I have any forgiveness left in me after that stunt."

Yoongi's never really seen this side of Sunny. You've told him stories about how she's a bit of a hard ass, but it was hard for him to imagine. Even back in Canada, when she knew what he did to you, she still wasn't ever very mean to him.

"I know, I know," Yoongi groans, his elbows resting on the island as he frustratedly runs his hands through his hair. "I've been too hard on her. I know I've been a jerk."

"My sister is damn near perfect," Sunny scowls, making Yoongi shift uncomfortably in his seat. "But she's human. She's going to make mistakes. And you need to not punish her for two fucking weeks over a small err in judgement."

"Did you make Auntie cry?" Jenna asks, tugging on Yoongi's sleeve.

"I did," he frowns, cupping his hand over hers. "I was mean to her and I need to fix it."

"Auntie will forgive you if you tell her you're sorry," she says sternly, her little brows furrowing down and shooting an arrow straight through Yoongi's heart. "But I'll kick your ass if you do it again."

"Jenna!" Sunny shouts, her hand slapping down on the island. "Watch your language!"

"But Mummy, you said it first," she glares, crossing her little arms over her chest. "I heard you talking to Daddy last night. That's a double stannerd."

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