Ch 62 | Scaly Lizard

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Y/N's POV:

"Still nothing?" Namjoon asks, sitting down on the couch next to you.

"Nope," you frown, staring at the soccer game on Jimin's TV screen, but you're not really watching it. Your mind is completely somewhere else — more like with someone else.

Kai and Jimin have been at dinner with Jeongyeon and their managers for the last two hours. It's been about a week since Jimin finally found the courage to reach out to her, with the company's permission, and she surprisingly agreed to meet up. It almost seemed like she was waiting for his text, but she kept her response pretty neutral. He sent a long, thought-out message about how he'd like to meet up and explain his behavior from all those years ago, and all she responded back was "sure, tell me when and where."

You have Kai's location so you know he's alive, and they have plenty of security tagging along, but it's still nerve wracking. At some point, Yoongi had to take your phone away so you'd stop tracking him. Luckily you still have your smart watch on to let you know if you get a call or text though.

This conversation could be huge for them. It's unlikely Jeongyeon will forgive Jimin very easily, since she's clearly hated him for years, but hopefully she can at least open her eyes to how awful Aera is. If anything, she's just a pawn in Aera's game to win Yoongi over.

You've been at Jimin's with Yoongi, Hana, and Jungkook since Kai and Jimin left. Seokjin ended up having to leave for a company thing about twenty minutes ago. The boys have done a pretty good job at distracting themselves but you haven't been so lucky. 

Right now Yoongi and Jungkook are in a heated DDR battle while Namjoon's watching soccer with you. Hana takes the seat on the other side of you and you finally figure out a way to get your mind off your own situation.

"So Hana, are you seeing anyone?"

She basically chokes on her drink, spilling it all over herself and Jimin's couch. Luckily it was just sparkling water and you eye her up and down like you already know she's hiding something.

"N-no, not really," she says shakily, trying to catch her breath.

"That doesn't seem very convincing," you smirk. "You sure there's not a certain worldwide handsome that's caught your eye?"

"Of course not," she huffs, snubbing her nose in the air. "Men are useless and I don't need one. Especially not a handsome one."

"Tell that to the hickey on your neck," Namjoon says, making you bite into your lip to stifle your laughter. Her face turns bright red as she slaps her hand over the light purple bruise, her defensive armor crumbling almost instantly.

"Okay, fine," she grits through her teeth. "We're kind of seeing each other. But kind of not. I don't know."

"So it's just sex?" you ask, making her turn even more red.

"We're adults just blowing off some steam."

"Exclusively," Namjoon grins.

"Um, I kind of remember you two being in a similar situation," Hana says, looking at you and Namjoon with a brow raised. "So don't even try me."

"Fair," you snort, slumping back in your seat. "But you seem happy these days. And we all know Seokjin's a good guy."

"He is," she sighs, looking ahead at the screen with you. "I just have so much on my plate with my sister. Between her and work, I don't know that I have time for a boyfriend. We just started sleeping together recently but even that's rare."

You grab her hand and say, "It'll work out if it's supposed to work out. I have a feeling Jin doesn't sleep with just anyone."

"She's right," Namjoon nods. "Hyung has the lowest body count out of all of us, even though he's had the most opportunity. He views sex the same way [Y/N] does. He doesn't sleep with people he doesn't have feelings for."

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