Ch 32 | Efforts

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Y/N's POV:

"I don't know how you haven't already jumped his bones," Sunny snorts, taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "He's so good to you."

"No, he's trash," Kai hisses, throwing his arm around you. "He's like a gnat that won't go away. I was lucky to be able to drag you two away for a girl's day."

Sunny rolls her eyes and says, "You're just bitter because your man isn't here and you're fifth wheeling."

"Excuse me?" he scoffs, gesturing to Jenna who's aggressively coloring all over her kids menu. "My adorable date is right here."

You, Kai, Sunny, and Jenna are all grabbing lunch while Yoongi and Jeffrey are at a hockey game. Their photos are already everywhere online and you're doing everything you can not to drool over how fine he looks. Jeffrey's also garnering some media attention as the "hot translator" accompanying him.

Kai's dressed up as usual while you and Sunny look rather homeless in your leggings and sweatshirts, you and Kai on one side of the booth and Sunny and Jenna on the other.

"I'm surprised he won you over so fast," you say, looking Sunny up and down. "I thought you'd hate him for longer."

"He actually pulled me aside last night," she grins, making your eyes widen.

It's been four days since you fell asleep in Yoongi's arms by the fire. When you woke up the next morning, you were snuggly tucked into your bed with Kai next to you and Nala at your feet, Yoongi back in the guest room.

Since then, he's been nothing but attentive and patient with you. Unfortunately, you started your period the next day and he's even handled your mood swings like a champ. One minute you want to cuddle and the next minute you're telling him to pack his bags.

Things were already an emotional rollercoaster for you lately but extra hormones on top of everything definitely hasn't helped. He's not wavering though. Even when you're being a brat, he just smiles at you fondly and retreats to the game room to give you space.

You had a feeling Sunny wouldn't be able to be mad at him for very long but you're not surprised Kai's holding out. It's obvious he's not that mad anymore, but it's pure principle right now. It's now been around a month since you got your apology from Yoongi and Kai should start to lighten up soon.

He's cordial with Yoongi in person but he refuses to be friendly. Yoongi understands and is giving him his space, not expecting your best friend to forgive him so easily.

"What did he say?" you ask Sunny, trying to stop your cheeks from burning up.

"He apologized to me personally," she says with a big grin. "He said he was sorry for hurting you, because he knows if you're hurt then I'm hurt."

"Dammit," Kai says under his breath so Jenna doesn't hear. "I don't want to like him. Stop it."

"Nabi needs to hear this though," Sunny laughs before returning her attention to you. "Don't get me wrong, I can't say I trust him fully yet. He has a painful past that could still come back to harm your relationship one day."

With Yoongi's permission, you told Kai and Sunny about what happened to him. Sunny actually broke down in sobs like you did and you watched a part of Kai instantly forgive him since he also struggled with alcohol and drug use when his brother passed. Telling them Yoongi's past helped them understand a little bit more of why he did what he did. That's not something anyone should have to experience.

"But," Sunny continues. "I really don't think you'll ever find someone who loves you more than he does. I wish I could explain the way he looks at you when you're not looking. It's the way Kai looks at Jimin."

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