Ch 63 | Feel So Good

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Y/N's POV:

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" you ask, grabbing Yoongi's hands. "I can stay, G."

"I'll be fine, baby," he chuckles, lacing his fingers with yours and giving your cheek a small kiss. "Have fun with Kai and Jimin, you deserve a low stress weekend."

"But it's such bad timing," you frown, locking eyes with him. "I feel like I should be here with you."

"You need to be there for your best friend, Nabi," Yoongi smiles, making your heart squeeze. "They're just serving Aera the papers today, and then we're going public the day you get back from Busan."

Today's the day you're leaving for Busan so Kai can introduce Jimin to his parents. It's only for three days and then Yoongi's posting a photo of you on his social media the Sunday you're back, along with an official notice from BigHit.

The world is still on fire knowing TaeJen is real, and they haven't been holding back. It's been about a week since their relationship became public and so far they've been spotted together three different times, laughing, holding hands, and kissing. They're both absolutely smitten, and they couldn't care less what the antis have to say.

"You sure you can't come?" Jimin asks Yoongi, putting his hand on his shoulder. "There's plenty of room."

"I would if I could," Yoongi shakes his head. "I appreciate the invite, but Saturday is the first day I'm back on the job."

"Your suspension's finally lifted?" Kai asks, setting your suitcase into his trunk. "What's first on the list?"

"I'm performing my song with Drake at his concert," Yoongi smiles, looking excited to finally get back to music again. "I fly out to Los Angeles and Hoseok is coming to support. It's a complete surprise to the fans."

"I'm going to miss that?" you whine, stomping your feet like a child.

"I know you want to see Kai's family," Yoongi chuckles, patting your head. "I'll have Hoseok video call you during my performance and you can support me online. It'll be 3am your time though."

"I'll be up for it," you nod, pulling him closer. He happily presses his lips to yours, those familiar butterflies shooting through your stomach. Jimin and Kai give you some space and Yoongi takes full advantage of it, his hands anchoring your hips while your arms raise up over his shoulders. His tongue gently slips between your lips to kiss you deeper, the taste of him sending a shiver down your spine.

This will be the first time the two of you have had some space from each other since moving back to South Korea. It almost feels weird knowing you won't wake up next to him in the morning, but you're definitely excited to see Mr. and Mrs. Nagasaki after so long. You're also more than happy to be there for your best friend when he's introducing his boyfriend for the first time.

"Text me, I love you," Yoongi grins, waving as Kai pulls out of the driveway. His phone starts to go off as you tell him goodbye and he answers it just in time for you to hear, "Hey Nina, what's up?"

"Oh boy," Jimin snorts right as your stomach sinks, both he and Kai knowing exactly what's going through your head. You silently roll the window up and keep looking outside at the sky, trying not to overthink anything.

But that might be a little easier said than done. Of course Nina has to travel with Yoongi to Los Angeles. They'll be flying together and staying at the same hotel, probably spending a lot of time chatting and getting to know each other.

"You know Yoongi will keep things professional," Kai says from the driver's seat.

"I know," you breathe out, running your hands over your jeans. "I know he won't do anything with her. It's just scary."

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