Ch 17 | Compromise

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Y/N's POV:

"Cheers to [Y/N]!" Hana says, everyone raising their glasses in the air. "Can't believe you'll be gone for a whole month!"

"Cheers!" everyone shouts.

"I'm calling you every single day," Jimin frowns, gluing himself to your side but Namjoon pries him off of you.

"No, she'll be talking to me all day," he huffs, the two of them glaring at each other and making you laugh. Namjoon wraps his arms around you from behind, pressing his lips to your cheek. "I really will be blowing up your phone. Who am I supposed to flirt with now?"

"You kind of screwed yourself by making me your fake love interest," you tease quietly so no one else can hear. "Now you can't openly flirt with other girls while I'm gone or you'll look like a dick. Jimin might actually skin you alive if he thinks you're playing me."

"I know," he groans, rolling his eyes but keeping his arms firmly around your waist. "But it's okay, you're the only one I want to flirt with now anyways. Maybe I'm actually falling for you?"

"Sure," you snort as a small smirk plays on his lips. So far you and him have remained pretty platonic emotionally. He knows you're still in love with Yoongi and you know he's still completely unavailable emotionally, and that's perfectly okay with the both of you.

It's been almost a week since you returned the signed contract to Mr. Song and you've spent almost every day with Namjoon, the two of you flirting and kissing pretty much constantly if you're not working or packing. You leave tomorrow for Canada but the company is paying your rent at your apartment until you come back so you don't lose your home. Jimin demanded a going away party Saturday and you agreed as long as you don't have a hangover on your fourteen hour flight home tomorrow.

Everyone is here except Yoongi and Seokjin. You were told he went back to Daegu to see his family and friends for a few weeks to recoup and Jin went with him. You're really glad he's got such an amazing support system and Seokjin's keeping Namjoon updated on Yoongi's mental health. You haven't heard any word about Aera or if she threw a fit, but this is probably not the first time Hybe has had to let a problematic employee go. They know how to handle it.

"Are you staying tonight?" Namjoon asks as you turn to face him, his hand finding the nape of your neck to look in your eyes.

"Maybe if you ask nicely," you giggle, his lips leaving featherlight kisses down your neck. "Then I'll consider it."

"Please?" he whispers, his teeth grazing your earlobe and sending goosebumps across your skin. His hand slides up into your hair, making your breath hitch as he tugs lightly and lowers his voice. "Don't make me ask again."

"Oh dear Jesus Christ," you exhale, pushing him off to fan your face. He laughs at your panicked expression, loving that he has you flustered like this. "Fine, I'll stay. Just don't say shit like that again."

"No promises," he winks, making you roll your eyes.

The only ones who know the real meaning behind yours and Namjoon's relationship are Kai and Seokjin. Namjoon asked your permission first, but he wanted to tell Jin because he knows what happened with him in the past. Technically, all the of the members know what happened to him but Seokjin was the one he was closest to when it all went down. He's the one Namjoon's confided in most, and he's the only one who truly knows the extent of his trauma. There's no way Namjoon could've lied to him about you because he's the only one who knows Namjoon can't sleep with women right now. He'd know you two weren't having sex.

Jin's probably stuck in a difficult situation, understanding both Yoongi's and Namjoon's circumstances, but he didn't judge you. He said he was happy you were doing whatever you felt was right, whether that was being with Yoongi or with Namjoon. He agreed that it wouldn't be healthy for you to jump back into a relationship with Yoongi right now, if at all. He's worried the damage was too much. And you are too.

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