Ch 82 | Crumbling

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains and/or mentions :
Sexual assault/ abuse/ depression/ anxiety

Please read at your own risk


Y/N's POV:

"The judge has declared Kang Aera unfit for trial due to mental illness."

"What does that mean?" you ask Mrs. Shin.

She smiles as says, "She was forced to take an insanity plea. Even her lawyers refused to defend her in criminal court."

"She'll be spending the next fifteen years of her life in an insane asylum," Mr. Song grins, sliding you a paper document. "You just need to sign here."

"So she's not going to jail for her crimes?" Kai asks angrily, his arms crossing over his chest. "Doesn't seem fair that she gets to hang out in a padded room with fun activities scheduled during the day."

"Oh trust me," Mrs. Shin chuckles, "she will not enjoy her time at the psych ward she was sentenced to. This asylum has multiple lawsuits against it for poor living conditions, yet the government does nothing about it."

You nervously look at Yoongi and ask, "What was her medical diagnosis? Insanity is only a legal term."

"Schizophrenia," Yoongi sighs, leaning back in his chair. "She is, quite literally, delusional. Aera genuinely believed we were intimate before you came along. The police found photos of me everywhere in her house, along with multiple sex toys and blowup dolls. She was definitely having sex in her room but it was with herself, not me."

"Oh my god," you gape. "Are you okay?"

"I am now that she's going away for a long time," he nods, his hand cupping over yours. "Now it's just the other two we need to put behind bars."

Mr. Song and Mrs. Shin randomly called you, Yoongi, Kai, Jimin, and Namjoon over to the company, so you had a feeling it was some sort of update on the case. Yoongi was already here working so he was told most of this beforehand.

It's been a week since your joint therapy appointment with Yoongi, and you can definitely see the dark cloud that's been hanging over his head the last few days. He's seeing Eunji twice a week for now, so in total he's seen her three times so far, and each session he seems a little more sullen. You've been making sure to stay supportive and patient, but he honestly really hasn't said or done much. He just comes home and wants to be glued to your side as much as possible.

There's been no sexual intimacy but you were on your period last week so it hasn't been a huge deal. Yoongi's been perfectly content with hugs, cuddles, and kisses; he doesn't seem to be in the mood for anything else physical. He started working again today so you're hoping him getting back into music will help his depression.

After signing the document and sliding it back towards Mr. Song, he places it in his briefcase and says, "The first trial date is next week, so I don't plan to schedule you for much work until then; only Jimin-related events. When you're not working, I want you spending time with our lawyers and going over your testimony."

"Okay," you nod, feeling grateful Mr. Song is allowing you to work at all. He's short staffed with Kevin missing so he can't have both Namjoon's and Jimin's makeup artists absent. "Did Ho-Jin wake up again?"

"Nope," Mrs. Shin shakes her head. "But he's responding to stimuli so that's good news."

Apparently Ho-Jin woke up from his coma two days ago but only for a few minutes, and he's been back asleep since. It would be incredibly beneficial to have him testify against Jamie, since you really don't have much on her. She was there at the church but she didn't do much to you. It was all Aera and Chul.

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