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Y/N's POV:

Nausea washes over you again but it's not from nerves this time, now it's from pure disgust. You're currently sitting at a table with Hye and Gina eating a late lunch, watching your best friend chat with the enemy a few tables over. They're laughing and giggling like they're the best of friends, and Aera's scaly lizard hands gently grab his arms when he says something funny. You're forcing yourself to take a couple bites of the sandwich the company provided but it doesn't really taste like anything.

"Is this seat taken?"

You look up to find Namjoon pointing to the empty chair next to Hye and he quickly shakes his head no, letting him know he can have it. But Namjoon doesn't sit down, he drags the chair to the other side of the table before seating himself right next to you, his shoulder just within a couple inches of yours.

"How's your day going?" he asks with a big smile before taking a bite of his own meal.

Hye and Gina are definitely staring with their brows raised and you huff out a laugh before answering, "Better now," with a flirty smile. "How about yours?"

"You took the words right out of my mouth," he winks, clearly enjoying this. Then he turns to Hye and starts chatting with him about some random books they've read, discussing them in full detail while you and Gina listen in. They seem to be confused by Namjoon's informal speech with you but they don't question it. One of the books they talk about actually sounds pretty interesting and Namjoon gets your number to text you the title.

"Babe," Gina says, pulling out her phone. "Let's take this." They get up and excuse themselves to take a video call from her mom, leaving you and Namjoon alone together.

"So, does that person know you're just fine without them yet?" he asks playfully.

"I don't know," you chuckle, finally able to taste your sandwich. "I can't imagine they'll just leave me alone if they think you're the one I'm talking to."

"Do I know them well?"

"Unfortunately," you sigh. "Which is why I can't really say anything. The last thing I want is to make anything weird for you."

"So it's one of the members, huh?"

Your eyes widen as you snap your head towards him. "I never said that."

He laughs and says, "You didn't have to."

You groan and throw your head back. "Just don't ask anymore. It's been over for a while now."

"It doesn't sound like it's been over for a while."

"I know right," you snort, crossing your arms over your chest. "He seems set on making me miserable for some reason."

"That definitely doesn't sound like any of my brothers," he says with a brow raised, and your stomach immediately flips over. This is another reason you don't want to tell anyone. No one will believe you. He seems to notice the hurt in your eyes and tries to say something but he's cut off.


Your whole body tenses at the sound of that deep voice from across the table. If you thought your nausea was bad before, it's way worse now, those few bites of your sandwich immediately threatening to come back up. Your eyes stay laser focused on your meal as Namjoon starts to chat casually with Yoongi, who's now sitting in the seat across from you.

"Ah, I was just chatting with [Y/N] about the book I started reading," he says, draping his arm over the back of your seat. "We have more things in common than we thought."

That's a damn lie, you snort to yourself.

Finally finding the courage to glance up at Yoongi, you have to remind yourself to breathe when you make eye contact. He looks so damn good your heart skips a beat but you can see the anger in his eyes, and his jaw's clenching just a little. Most people wouldn't be able to tell he's acting any differently but you can.

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