Ch 50 | Baggage

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Y/N's POV:

"What the hell were you two doing in here?"

Your stomach sinks at the fury in Namjoon's eyes. His jaw is clenched and his massive arms are angrily crossed over his chest. There's no one else with him but you can see others in the background looking towards him from the tables.

Fuck, did they all hear us? you panic to yourself.

"Quit making a scene," Yoongi says, casually walking up with his hands in his pockets. "We were just talking."

"Just talking?" Namjoon scoffs like Yoongi's an idiot. "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Tears brim in your eyes as you look down at your shoes. If everyone heard you having sex with Yoongi, you're definitely getting fired.

Shame washes over you as you realize the severity of what you've just done. You'd finally come to a point of being happy again. You have your friends, your job, and Yoongi. Yet you potentially just fucked it up for some momentary lust.

"Yeah, I do think you're stupid," Yoongi grits through his teeth, keeping his voice low. "Because we were just talking." The air is tense and it's almost hard to breathe, and you grip your blouse over your stomach to try and stop your shaking.

Namjoon glares at him, your shoulders tensing in fear before he asks, "Do you think I don't know what she looks like after an orgasm?"

Before you can even react, Yoongi's lunging for Namjoon and has him grabbed by the collar. "What the fuck did you just say?" he hisses under his breath, your jaw dropping along with everyone else's in the room. They didn't hear Namjoon's question so they're all very confused to see two members fighting out of nowhere.

Namjoon yanks Yoongi's hands off by his wrists and looks like he's about to shout at him when suddenly they're both pushed inside the room, the door slamming closed with a loud thud. Before your brain can even process what's happening, Kai has you swallowed into his arms a few feet away from everyone.

"What the fuck is going on with you two?" Jimin barks, standing protectively between you and the other two. "Are we twelve? Why the hell are you causing a scene right now?"

"These two were having sex in here," Namjoon says with contempt, his arms crossing over his chest again.

"No we weren't," Yoongi glares, his hands back in his pockets again. "Plus, even if we were, what's it to you? How is it your business?"

"Because I'm the leader and I have to keep you morons in line," Namjoon hisses, angrily turning to look at you. "You're working. It's literally a breech of contract to perform sexual acts on the job."

"She's not on the clock right now," Kai says, holding you tighter. "And neither is Yoongi." He definitely knows you were having sex and isn't about to shame you for it. He and Jimin have snuck around plenty of times while working.

"[Y/N] isn't hourly anymore, she's salaried," Namjoon says, now glaring at Kai. "She doesn't have lunch breaks. That was one of the perks of her raise, she gets paid without having to keep track of her hours."

You're still panicking, unsure if everyone heard you fucking Yoongi just a few minutes ago. Kai's table was far from this room so they wouldn't have heard, but you're not sure about the closer tables. Something had to have made Namjoon react this angrily, and the thought of your coworkers knowing what you just did leaves you mortified.

"Namjoon-hyung," Jimin sighs, taking off his hat to frustratedly run his hand though his hair. "All seven of us have fooled around while on the clock, yourself included. Why are you yelling at [Y/N] about it?"

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