Ch 78 | Ripped Away

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Y/N's POV:

"I-I'm so sorry," Yoongi panics, tears continuing to fall down his face. "I relapsed and took a couple hits of coke but that was it. I swear, I was going to tell you myself."

"G, it's-"

"It was after the fifth time they tried to wake you up," he says frantically. "A-and you were crying so loud from the pain again. Even when I was home I couldn't hear anything else but your screams and I was so scared you'd never be able to wake up again and I just needed a second to breathe."

"Listen, I'm not-"

"It was just that once," he cuts you off again, your stomach turning over at the pain in his eyes. He's so nervous and scared he can't think straight. "I'm not an addict, and I never let any drugs into the house; nothing was near Jenna. I swear I won't ever let you down like that again, I know you're probably disappointed in me and I understand that. Please just give me another chan-"

"Yoongi!" you shout, his breath hitching as your hands smack against his cheeks. "Breathe, I'm not angry or disappointed in you at all. And I'm not going anywhere."

He's frozen in shock, tears continuing to pour from his eyes as he searches yours. "B-but," he stutters, the quiver of his bottom lip wedging a knife through your heart. "You deserve better than some lowly drug addict who can't handle a bad day."

"You are not some lowly drug addict," you say sternly, your eyes boring into his. "You're my boyfriend; one of the kindest, gentlest, most thoughtful people on this planet. And maybe a little savage sometimes when you're pissed."

His eyes flicker down to your lips as a soft smile stretches across your face, a few tears spilling over your eyelashes too. Your thumbs smooth over the wet skin on his cheeks, but it's pretty useless since more keep falling down.

"I love you, G," you say warmly, making his lips part in awe. "Nothing will change that. Not even when you... just need a second to breathe."

Ugly sobs start to rip from Yoongi's chest, your arms wrapping around him to pull him close. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, his arms squeezing so tightly around your waist it's almost hard to breathe. Your hand gently smooths over his hair while he bawls his heart out, and you whisper soft words of reassurance here and there to calm him down.

His reaction to you bringing up his relapse is so aggressive, it must've been eating away at him on the inside. One of his biggest fears is hurting you, and he was probably worried you'd have the same reaction Seokjin did. Yelling at him for an hour.

But the dynamic between you and Yoongi is much different from the dynamic he shares with his eldest brother. Seokjin is hard on Yoongi because he wants the best for him, and he knows Yoongi doesn't like to be coddled. He prefers being spoken to directly and Jin can yell at him for three days straight without it breaking Yoongi's heart.

But you're different. You being upset with him for even five minutes has him so terrified he can't see what's in front of him.

He knows Jin will love him and stick by him no matter what. But he's still scared you'll leave him. He has over ten years under his belt with his brothers. He only has a year with you, and he already lost you once.

"It'll always be you, G," you say softly into his ear, his breath starting to catch again and again as his sobs get quieter. "We'll get through this together."

"I don't know what to do," he chokes out, keeping his face buried into the crook of your neck. "I'm just so fucking angry. At Aera. At Ho-Jin. At Chul. At the press. I swear I'll never do coke again but there's still a part of me that wants to so badly. To just make this fucking hatred disappear."

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