Ch 27 | Pursued

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Y/N's POV:

"Are you and [Y/N] not actually dating?"

Your eyes stay locked with Namjoon's as all the blood drains from his face. There's movement behind you as Kai stands between you and Jimin, the air getting uncomfortably still while you scramble to find an answer.

"Babe, you need to calm down," Kai says, keeping his voice low and smooth.

"Did I hear that right?" Jimin barks, your shoulders tensing at the rage in his voice. "That [Y/N] is Hyung's friends with benefits?"

You hear him step closer and you immediately whip around, your back pressing into Namjoon's front and his hands finding your hips. You're not able to see much of Jimin because Kai's in the way, but you do notice his clenched fist down at his side, a large vein running up his forearm.

Jimin is probably the last person you'd prefer to know this information, besides Yoongi of course. He's very protective of Yoongi, even if he's angry with him. They've always been incredibly close, and Jimin practically idolizes him. He's most likely assuming exactly what you were afraid of — that this is some sort of revenge tactic to hurt Yoongi.

Namjoon must be able to sense your anxiety so he wraps his arms around your waist, your body easily melting into his and calming your heart rate. Sunny gives you an apologetic look and steps closer, her hand giving your arm a squeeze. 

"Move," Jimin growls at his boyfriend, your hands gripping Namjoon's sleeves in nervousness. "Why are you standing there like I'm the one who's insane? Did you already know about this? Am I the only moron left out?"

"Look at the way you're reacting," Kai says to him.  "Why would we tell you anything if your first reaction is anger?"

"Do you want me to be happy for them?" Jimin hisses, tears brimming in your eyes from how disgusted he sounds. "While Yoongi-hyung is fighting for [Y/N], these two are just casually fucking, not giving a damn about how he feels. How could I not be pissed off by this?"

"That's Yoongi's fault," Sunny says angrily. Kai shifts to the side and you see an equal amount of frustration and tears in Jimin's eyes as there is in yours. "My sister is not responsible for his hurt feelings and is allowed to sleep with whoever she wants. Yoongi made that pretty clear when he was in bed with Aera."

"That was a misunderstanding," Jimin grits through his teeth. "He never actually had sex with her. Plus, this is his own brother. It would be like [Y/N] walking in on Yoongi-hyung with you."

"We're not doing anything behind his back," Namjoon says, making Jimin's angry eyes shift towards him. "[Y/N] and I are two single, consenting adults that find comfort in each other physically. Is there a problem with that?"

"Besides the fact that your older brother is in love with her?" he gapes in disbelief. "And that you're lying to him by saying you're dating?"

"I've never said we're dating," Namjoon shakes his head, your stomach sinking at how shameful this is making you feel. "I said we were keeping things casual and slow, seeing where things go. And things have geared us towards a physical relationship. I'm aware he's in love with her, but he's not the only one who's allowed to rely on [Y/N]."

Jimin blinks at him in shock and disgust, unable to comprehend this situation. "You're Kim Namjoon, you can literally fuck anyone in the world. Why does it have to be [Y/N]?"

"I can't just fuck anyone," Namjoon says, and you can hear his voice starting to shake a little. He's getting angry and hurt too. "[Y/N] is important to me, just not in your typical romantic way." Jimin doesn't fully know what Namjoon went through or the trauma he's sustained from his ex, so his reaction isn't entirely a surprise but it still hurts to see this much disgust from him. 

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