Ch 25 | Gentle Kisses

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Y/N's POV:

"Quit pacing around like that," Yoongi laughs, looking very relaxed on Sunny's couch. "Everything will be fine."

"But Namjoon and Kai seemed furious," you say anxiously, continuing your movement. "They didn't give me their flight information so I don't know when exactly they're landing."

It's been about eleven hours since you got all those text messages and you've tried calling them but no one's answering. You're extremely nervous about Namjoon being upset with you and you're not sure why. That's the first time he's ever seemed angry with you but you didn't really do anything wrong. The only thing he's asked of you is to be given a heads up if you and Yoongi want to try things out again, which definitely isn't happening right now.

You even made sure not to kiss him or sleep next to him last night. It's not like you invited him here behind Namjoon's back or anything, but for some reason that's what it feels like. You're also worried Kai's going to murder Yoongi in cold blood with witnesses around.

"There's no point in freaking out," Yoongi says, clearly amused by your nervousness. "No one's mad at you, I'm the one that should be panicking right now."

"Exactly," you frown, stopping to look over at him. "So why aren't you?"

"Because no matter who I've pissed off, I won't regret coming to see you," he says sternly, your heart jumping up to your throat as he holds your gaze. "I won't regret getting to hold you in my arms while you clung onto me in the car. I won't regret getting to see you look at me the way you used to."

Your body feels like it's going to combust at any second and you force yourself to break eye contact. "I-I don't look at you any sort of way," you stutter, your cheeks radiating heat.

"Sure," he snorts, his arms resting over the couch cushions and his legs spread like he owns the place. "I wasn't sure at first, but now I know."

"Know what?"

"That your heart still belongs to me."

Your jaw falls below sea level as he gives you a cocky gummy smile. "What? Am I wrong?"

"Y-y-you're wrong," you grit through your teeth, avoiding his eyes again. Even you can hear how pathetic of a lie that is. "I'm with Namjoon now."

"I know," he nods. "That's why I'm not going to do anything for now. I'm going to wait patiently for you to come back to me." His voice gets a little lower and your breath hitches when you meet his eyes again. "But once you finally do, there's no going back. I'm going to love you until there's no room for anything else. I'm going to treat you the way I should've treated you the first time. And I'm going to spend the rest of my life making things up to you, repairing the damage I caused."

"W-what about Namjoon?" you ask shakily, feeling your resolve beginning to crumble. "He's your brother."

"I think we're pretty even," Yoongi huffs. "He went after you while knowing you're the girl I'm in love with. Now I'm going to go after you knowing you're the girl he's in love with. It's not personal, that's just how it is."

All the air leaves your lungs when he verbally confirms he's in love with you. It's taking everything you have just to stay standing up when all you want to do is throw yourself onto his lap and maul his face like a hungry lion. Everything in your body is screaming at you to kiss him and take him back, but your pride isn't going to let you.

You're completely overstimulated and the only thing you can think to say is, "Namjoon's not in love with me."

A big grin lights up across his face and he says, "Good. Even better."

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