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Y/N's POV:

"Would you please stop crying?" you laugh, smoothing your hand over Jimin's back. "It's not like you'll never see me again."

"But what if I don't?" he whimpers, soaking your shoulder with his tears.

You're currently at the airport in a secluded part of the terminal so he doesn't get noticed by the press. There's multiple people around but only other high profile celebrities or businessmen can enter so no one posts anything. They'll basically be banned from flying if they do.

He stiffens as you give his cheek a quick peck and say, "I promise, Jimin. You can't get rid of me that easily."

"Good," he sniffles, finally releasing his death grip from your waist. "You made a promise and now you can't break it, okay?"

"Okay," you nod, feeling incredibly grateful for such a wonderful friend like Jimin. You glance over at Kai who seems to be pouting with his hands in his pockets, staring down at the ground. Jimin lets you go so you can walk over and wave your hand in front of his face. "You in there?" you ask, snapping him from his trance.

He pushes his lips into a pout and says, "Three weeks is too far away."

"No it's not," you giggle, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "I'll see you soon. Take care of Jimin for me, okay?"

"Fine," he huffs, squeezing you so tightly you almost can't breathe. "But don't get annoyed when I'm calling you and texting you every day."

"Deal," you smile, pulling back to look in his eyes. "I love you, Kai. You can't get rid of me easily either."

"You're damn right I can't," he smirks, but there's tears in his eyes that make your heart squeeze. Kai's never been apart from you for this long since becoming your best friend. The last time you went home he was just a social media influencer and could work wherever he wanted, so he spent two and a half weeks with you and your family in Canada. Your mom was thoroughly disappointed when she found out he was gay because she wanted him as a son-in-law.

Turning around you find Namjoon who's just standing there, looking at you fondly with his hands in his pockets. You and him officially entered the friends with benefits category last night and it was incredible. This morning he woke up and kissed you like he had no regrets, which was something you were a little worried about, but he spent all morning flirting with you like everything was normal, immediately putting your anxiety to rest.

"You'd better call as soon as you land," he grins, his hands finding your waist as your arms wrap around his neck. "I'm going to throw a fit if you don't."

"Yes sir," you say playfully, your eyes fluttering closed as he leans in to kiss you. He pulls you into his body, his tongue slipping between your lips to taste you just a little, and you make sure to savor this moment since it won't happen again for at least four weeks.

He kisses you tenderly for a few seconds before pulling back, one hand reaching up to cup your cheek. "What are you going to do when you land?"

"I'm going to call you," you laugh, giving him another quick peck before pulling back.


Your whole body freezes and so does Namjoon's when you notice something out of the corner of your eye. Jimin has three other hyung's besides the one you were just kissing so you pray to god it's one of the other two. 

But you're not that lucky.

Your head robotically turns toward the side and your eyes land on the last person you expected to see here.

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