Ch 59 | What I Want

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Y/N's POV:

"I suggest you back up," Kai growls through his teeth, protectively standing in front of you. You're absolutely dumbfounded at this situation; Kang Aera's actually standing right in front of you, grinning ear to ear and there's nothing you can do about it.

"Don't be such a sourpuss," she frowns, pushing her bottom lip into a pout. She puts her hand down, knowing damn well neither you or Kai are interested in giving her a handshake. "We're just three professionals who need to get along for the next few months. We might as well be civil."

"We don't associate with cunts," you glare, making Aera's jaw slack. You're not the weak little girl she tried to intimidate anymore, and there's nothing about her that scares you.

Except for the possibility of her hurting Yoongi again.

"You don't have to be so dramatic," she sighs, shaking her head like you're stupid. "Let's act like adults; we need to at least be cordial. I worked hard to get back into this industry, and I won't let you two mess anything up for me."

"Let me guess," Kai snorts, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're Jeongyeon's makeup artist? Did you promise her revenge or something?"

"You really are stupid," Aera scoffs, tossing her orange hair over her shoulder. "Jeongyeon doesn't give a damn about your little boy toy."

"Did you tell her?" you hiss, stepping to the side of Kai.

"Tell her what?" she chuckles. "That he dumped her because he found out he likes dick instead?" More heat radiates off Kai's body at the condescending tone in her voice, and you can't believe how nonchalant she's acting. She rolls her eyes and says, "No, I didn't. That would allow the company to try and sue me again, I'm not that stupid."

"You could've fooled me," Kai smiles tightly, earning himself a nasty glare from Aera.

"Hey, [Y/N], can you help me with something?" Nina asks quietly from a few feet away. You shoot Aera a disgusted look before heading over towards the makeup tables again and Kai follows behind, making sure to flip her off while pushing his hair back.

Breathe, [Y/N], you think to yourself. You're almost shaking with rage, and Kai's in a similar state. He was already pissed off about being blindsided by Jimin's past with Jeongyeon, and now he's got Aera to worry about too.

"What's up?" you ask Nina as soon as you make it to her, trying to act like you're not on the verge of screaming.

"Nothing," she shakes her head. "You just seemed like you wanted to get out of that conversation."

"I like you already," Kai exhales, frustratedly running his hand through his hair. "I'm Kai, it's nice to meet you."

"I actually follow you on social media," she says, giving him a small bow. "I'm Nina, Yoongi's new makeup artist. For some reason it's actually more surreal to meet you in person than the BTS members."

"Finally!" Kai grins, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. "The first employee here with good taste."

"Thanks," Nina chuckles, which is the first time you've seen much of a smile on her face. "Who was that orange haired girl? I didn't hear much of the conversation but I could see neither of you were pleased to see her."

"Were we too loud?" you ask nervously, praying no one heard Aera say Jimin likes dick.

"No, I only heard you calling her a cunt."

Your hand slaps over your mouth and Kai has to stifle his laughter since the cameras are still live. The three of you are quite a good distance away from the action so no one should be able to hear you from this far back.

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