Ch 11 | Anything

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Y/N's POV:

"You have a video? I want to see it. Can you play it?"

"Of course!" Kai beams. "As long as it's cool with Jimin?"

"Hell yeah," he laughs, turning on the television. "Let's hook it up so everyone can see. I want to see how nervous you were to ask me out."

Within just a few seconds Kai has the video up on the screen and both Yoongi and Aera know exactly what's about to happen. They recognize the familiar scene, those white walls and your outfits they've probably memorized.

"No!" Aera shouts, standing up from her seat and startling everyone in the room. She's frozen as everyone stares at her, waiting for something else to come out of her mouth but there's nothing.

"Y-you shouldn't share private moments like this," she stutters, her minuscule brain trying to scramble for any sort of excuse. Yoongi's eyes are now on her, looking a mixture of furious, shocked, and confused.

You'd give anything to know what's going on in his head right now. He must be putting the pieces together already. There's a good chance he was already figuring out you might not have cheated like he thought. But with Kai coming out as gay and Aera panicking over this video, there's no way he doesn't already have an idea of what's about to unfold.

"Private?" Kai chuckles. "You recorded us in secret, I think you're the one who broke privacy. Plus, it's just me and [Y/N] in the video and we're fine with sharing."

"I didn't send that to you," she snaps, her skin tone getting a little red. "That's mine, you can't show anyone else."

"You did send it to me though?" Kai says as more of a question. "You really don't remember? You did have a lot to drink that night."

"What are you getting so upset for?" Namjoon asks. "This is supposed to be about Jimin and Kai, stop making this about you."

The whole room is stunned silent and both you and Kai have to bite into your lip to stifle your laughter. You'd give anything to be in love with Namjoon instead right now. Even with all his mommy issues or whatever, you'd find a way to make it work.

"Maybe we can just watch it another time," Jimin says. "Aera probably has a reas-"

"Play it," Yoongi says, cutting him off. "Aera's just in a mood since it's her birthday and the spotlight is being taken away from her."

"Y-you guys are just being a bunch of assholes," Aera hisses, grabbing her jacket from the couch. "I'm out of here, enjoy the rest of your night."

The whole room watches her angrily storm out the door and you're a little shocked at how poorly she just handled that. She knows she's royally screwed and just did whatever she could to escape. But there's no way in hell she's making it out of this in one piece once Yoongi sees the full video.

"What the hell was that?" Taehyung asks. Everyone seems to be equally baffled by her outburst just now, and all eyes are on Yoongi looking for an answer. No one seems to know he and Aera are dating. Or just sleeping together, or whatever they are. But they do know they're close.

"Don't worry about her," he says, his eyes laser focused on the screen. "We got in a fight earlier and she just took it out on you. Let's not let that ruin your moment."

"Okay," Jimin says, nervously looking between him and Kai.

Kai presses play on his phone before anyone else can try and object.

"Please, [Y/N]," Kai's voice whines from the speaker. "Just one more time."

You watch a part of Yoongi break on the inside, hearing new words from the video he's probably played a thousand times. If you're not paying attention he probably looks fine, but you can see the little details. His hands are balled into fists in his lap, his shoulders are tense, and his bottom lip is starting to quiver. But the worst part is the pain in his eyes. Your stomach sinks and your chest is already so tight it hurts to breathe.

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