Ch 56 | Type of Love

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Author's POV:

Yoongi stares down at your sleeping face in awe this morning, wondering how he got so lucky to wake up with his girlfriend in his arms. It's already 10am and you're still sound asleep, small streaks of light cascading over your skin through the curtains and making you look almost ethereal.

In reality, you're probably drooling with your hair a mess and your mouth hanging open. But to Yoongi, it's the most beautiful sight he's ever seen. Girlfriend, he thinks to himself, his heart skipping a beat at that unfamiliar word. This is my girlfriend.

Your forgiveness is baffling to him. It was only a month ago when he was at your place in Canada trying to win you back. At that point, he wasn't sure you'd even give him a chance to redeem himself. You had Kai. You had Sunny. You had Namjoon. You didn't need him. It would've been possible to move on without him, but you chose not to. You chose him when he didn't deserve it and it healed the gaping hole left by Aera and his ex.

He's absolutely smitten like a schoolgirl and he stares at your face for almost half an hour with stars in his eyes before he's forced back into reality. His phone buzzes and he looks over to see a text from Namjoon, his face scrunching into a grimace at the thought.

Yoongi understands why you refuse to admit Namjoon has feelings for you. It would put you in an uncomfortable position. He was there for you and picked up your broken pieces after Yoongi broke you. If you were to acknowledge his feelings, that would mean you'd have to choose. You'd have to push Namjoon away when you don't want to.

And at this point, Namjoon might not even recognize how he feels. He's still incredibly damaged from his ex, and it's been five years since he felt anything even remotely close to what he feels for you.

Or maybe he genuinely doesn't have feelings for you, and this whole thing is a misunderstanding. Either way, Yoongi needs to find out. He grabs his phone and reads the text from his leader, his stomach turning knowing he has to get this over with.

Hey, Hyung. Could we
move our lunch to 
brunch? I have to meet
with Hitman Bang for
lunch last-minute. If not,
maybe we could do dinner.

Brunch is fine, I'll get
ready now. Should I just
head to your place?

Yoongi tries to slip out from the blankets but he's unsuccessful in going unnoticed. You let out a small whimper and your eyes flutter open, his heart doing a backflip when you look up at him with a lazy grin.

"Good morning, boyfriend," you smile groggily, stretching your arms up over your head. You're in a crop top and some of your underboob becomes visible, nearly sending Yoongi into cardiac arrest.

"Good morning, Nabi," he says warmly, trying to force his morning wood away. At this rate, you're going to think he's some horny teenager that can't ever be satisfied. But in reality, he just can't get enough of you.

"Where are you going?" you whine, grabbing his wrist when he tries to slide out of bed.

Dammit, she's so fucking cute, he groans to himself.

"I'm meeting with Namjoon."

Your eyes suddenly pop open and you nervously search his face to figure out what's going through his head. "It's okay, baby," he chuckles, smoothing his hand over your hair. "He reached out to me, asking to talk. It'll be fine."

"You swear?" you frown, cutely pushing your bottom lip into a pout. "Even if he's annoying you can't punch him. You can't get suspended again."

"No promises," he winks, making you roll your eyes. Right one cue, Nala jumps up onto the bed to give you some morning cuddles while Yoongi gets dressed. He bought her an automatic pet feeder so she doesn't scream at you to give her nutrients at 7 in the morning. You thanked him one hundred times but it was more for his benefit.

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