Ch 8 | Practice

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Y/N's POV:

You stare blankly at the TV screen as Kai tries to talk to you on your left, but you can't make out anything he's saying. It feels as if you're ten feet underwater, unable to hear, speak, or feel anything. Just numbness. Just emptiness.

Kai gets up from his seat and you remain still, silently staring at your face up on the television. You're having a hard time wrapping your head around things. You understand this video looks bad. You understand it was probably really hard for Yoongi to watch. You've played it over and over, trying to put yourself in his shoes.

But you still can't grasp how he was so quickly able to hurt you like that. It doesn't make sense how easy it was for him to abandon you. To purposely torture you and make you suffer, without ever giving you a chance to defend yourself.

"[Y/N]," someone says softly, your eyes slowly traveling up the tall man standing over you. There's no beautiful dimple smile this time, just a look of worry in his big brown eyes. "What's wrong?" He looks like he ran here, dressed in black shorts and a white t-shirt even in this cold weather.

Your head turns back towards the front and his gaze follows yours, his brows furrowing when he sees your face on the screen. "We figured out why Yoongi hates her," Kai says, moving to sit on the other side of you. "Take a seat and watch."

He does as he's told and sits down next to you but his arm wraps around your shoulder, pulling you to his side. Your head rests against him and Kai presses play but you suddenly spring back up, yanking the phone from his hand.

"No, you can't," you say, clutching it to your chest. "He's not supposed to know yet."

"What do you mean?" Kai says in confusion. "You said you told him everything."

"N-not everything," you say softly, nervously glancing between him and Namjoon. "Not about you..."

Kai's eyes widen as it starts to click. He's silent for a few seconds before letting out a long sigh. "He will forgive me. We have to let him watch this."

"We can just show him next week," you plead. "After the party." You clearly say Jimin's name in the video, so Namjoon will know about them if he watches it. It's not your place to break the news to him. That's between Jimin and Kai.

"No, [Y/N]," he says sternly. "He needs to know now."

"Then call... him over too. We can show them at the same time."

"We need his input, [Y/N]. There's a reason you haven't already told him yet. Namjoon will know the best way for us to break it to him."

Namjoon seems both concerned and confused as he anxiously glances between the two of you.

"No, we ca-"

"Nabi, stop," he says angrily, making you flinch. "It's my relationship, not yours. I'm saying it's okay to tell him and that's final."

Very rarely does Kai get angry with you, and you're not particularly in the headspace to be scolded right now. Tears instantly fall down your face and Namjoon's quick to stand to his feet, pulling you into his chest.

"Whoa, whoa, let's calm down you two," he says, running his hand over your back. "Is it possible to fill me in without giving me every detail?"

"No, it's not," Kai says, crossing his arms over his chest. "[Y/N] has this problem of putting others above herself, even if she gets hurt in the process. This damn Yoongi situation has gone on long enough and I'm fucking sick of this."

Your breath hitches when you hear the hurt and frustration in his voice. "She suffered alone for two months, crying herself to sleep every night because she didn't want to risk me losing it on Yoongi and getting fired. She won't tell Jimin because she doesn't want to risk there being any bad blood between the members." His voice cracks and you know a tear is rolling down his cheek. "[Y/N], enough is enough. Jimin wouldn't want you to hurt like this."

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