Ch 23 | Boundaries

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Y/N's POV:

"Hell yeah!" Sunny cheers, watching you down your third shot of vodka within the last hour. "Fuck men!"

"Fuck men is right," you grit through your teeth, slamming your glass down onto the bar top. After spending some time on the dance floor with Sunny, you two finally needed a break and sat down at the bar, quickly being swarmed by hungry men looking for their next meal.

"What's wrong, honey?" the drunk man who just bought your shot asks, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Did someone hurt you?"

"I guess you could say that," you snort, brushing his hand away.

"Oh come on, don't be such a prude," he smirks, grabbing your chin to look in your eyes. "Let me take you home and make you feel better."

It's a little funny to you how ugly he is. A year ago, you probably would've considered him pretty decent looking — a nice smile, green eyes, tall, and a smooth caramel skin tone. But you've been in bed with Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon recently, making any man that approaches you look like a sewer rat.

"No thanks," you say, swatting his hand off of you. "It's just us girls tonight." You glance over at Sunny and she's currently being chatted up by two men who have a clear view of the rock on her finger.

"Seriously bitch?" he scoffs. "I just bought you and your little friend drinks for the last hour."

"Did I ask you to do that?" you glare, making his jaw slack. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who's used to being talked back to. "Or did you think I'd feel obligated to fuck you if you spent money on me?"

"Watch your fucking mouth," he barks, and you're quickly reminded why you don't like men very much. "You're not even that pretty, I was just trying to help my boys talk to your hotter friend."

"The one with the ring on her finger?" you laugh, thinking he's really lucky Sunny can't hear this conversation. She probably would've already had her fist through his face by now.

You're well aware Sunny is beautiful, especially to a lot of white men that like to fetishize her as an Asian woman. She's actually not normally very attracted to white men but Jeffrey was an exception. He's hot, rich, bilingual, and kind of an asshole to everyone except her. It's actually hilarious that the two butter-faced morons chatting her up think they have any chance with her. But this is not the first time men have used this excuse, that they talked to you in order to get to her.

Little do they know, she's the bitch and not you.

"Unnie," you say, pushing your bottom lip into a pout and grabbing her hand. "This guy called me a bitch and said he was only talking to me so his friends could hit on you."

"What in the mother fucking cunt ass head ass shit bag fuck did you just say?" she barks, scaring all three men at once with the pure rage in her eyes.

She stands up and glares up at the green eyed douchebag with her hands on her hips. It's quite hilarious since he's about a foot taller than her, even with her heels on, yet he looks terrified. "Are you out of your goddamn mind? Do you know how fucking lucky you are just to be in her mere presence? Were you dropped as a child? Fuck, I shouldn't be making fun of the mentally disabled but you deserve it."

All of their jaws nearly drop to the floor and you burst out into laughter, slapping the bar top as she starts to draw a crowd. Two of the bartenders heard her as well and are trying to stifle their laughter.

"Let's get out of here," she hisses, grabbing your wrist to drag you out of the bar. You might have fallen in love with her if you hadn't grown up with her. She's never seemed sexier in your life.

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