Ch 55 | Puzzle Piece

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Author's POV:

Hey, Hyung. Could we
meet up to chat sometime

Yoongi stares down at his phone, reading the text from his younger brother for the one hundredth time. The photo shoot is over and you're currently scurrying around trying to clean everything up from today. He would help you, but Mr. Song told him not to involve himself much with your work or it would look like he's playing favorites.

Sure, let's do lunch

As soon as he hits send, there's a pit of rage in his chest. Yoongi almost lost it when he saw the hundreds of texts and calls from you and Jungkook, trying to explain what was happening. It was almost like a slap to the face because he'd really just finished telling his parents he plans to marry you one day. Sure, he's a bit ahead of himself since the two of you aren't even officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but he knows it's going to happen.

But the sight he walked in on earlier made his heart sink. He didn't respond to you or Jungkook, he decided to show up and see things with his own eyes. His intentions were pure; he thought it would be best to form an opinion based off the facts, but reality was so much worse than he thought. He happened to show up right as Lina had you crawl onto Namjoon's lap, and the breakfast he had earlier immediately threatened to come back up.

The sexual tension between you and Namjoon was felt by every single person in the room. And not only did Yoongi have to witness it, he had to hear his fellow coworkers praise you for it. They complimented how good the two of you looked together, and Yoongi had to stand there and watch in silence while another man touched you.

He knew the second you got turned on. He couldn't even see your face but he could tell based off the way your body tensed up. He watched the goosebumps spread down your arms and the way your breathing got heavier. The look of pure lust and desire in Namjoon's eyes had Yoongi nearly crawling out of his own skin, and he wanted nothing more than to run on set and punch that smug grin right off his face.

But he couldn't. He knew damn well this was just work.

Maybe to you at least.

When Lina had you turn around, Yoongi could see the nervousness in your eyes. He could tell you were thinking of him, but it didn't help much. It almost made it worse, knowing how badly you didn't want to be turned on by Namjoon but couldn't help it. You reacted to him no matter how hard you tried not to.

The second your eyes met his, he knew it would be wrong to take it out on you but he couldn't stop his hurt feelings. It was clear as day you felt so guilty about the situation but he was devastated. He knew you and Namjoon had to have some sort of chemistry, but he didn't think it would be that intense.

Honestly, it disgusted him. It took everything he had not to vomit as you followed him into the dressing room. Logically, he knew exactly why you did it. He understood you only touched Namjoon to protect him. Hell, Yoongi was the reason Aera was there in the first place. But his heart was hurting, and he couldn't stop himself from remembering his past.

Tears spilled from his eyes as he yelled at you. It didn't make him feel any better, it only made him hate himself more. And then you threw it in his face what he did with Aera, which only tattered his heart further. He still hasn't been able to forgive himself and the knife was wedged further into his chest when you brought it up.

The conversation wasn't going anywhere good and he started to regret calling you in to talk. He didn't want anything to get worse, so he tried to remove himself from the situation before you could hurt each other anymore. But of course, you weren't going to let that happen.

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